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Head tilting


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Hi - I asked this earlier, but wonder -- do your cairns tilt their heads when you talk to them and, if they do, do they tilt just to one side or to both sides?

Allie is definitely a "southpaw" head tilter, and we realized a few months ago that she ALWAYS tilts her head to the left and NEVER tilts her head to the right. (Could it be a political statement? She's definitely in the right -- or should I say "left" - house!) It's so endearing, and seems to be a universal cairn trait.

Of course, I really know that, no matter how well she LISTENS to me, it's only 50-50 that she plans on obeying me anyway.



Yes, Rebel does this, mainly with women and children.

He also uses his right paw to bat the ball around on the floor and to secure the frisbee he will step on it with his right paw I guess he is saying mine?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Cooper is a big time head tilter anytime we talk to him. It's like he is listening and really paying close attention....ha! At times, it reminds me of owls I have seen in the zoos.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.

I will have to check out the direction, but Bruschi does it too.


Apollo does it for me and will really get the head tilitng thing going when my husband is talking to him.




Oh yes, Carolina does the head tilt thing too, often both ways. I will have to pay attention to which side she tilts when she only goes one way. :P


Scout does this alot! It's so funny and hard not to laugh when you are talking to her! She tilts her head both ways. Finch doesn't do it at all...at least I haven't noticed her doing it.

:D:D:D:D - Scully's a "rightie" - I had to stop and think.

Two head tilters at our house. Both directions.


:crybaby: Skeeter doesn't tilt his head. :crybaby: They look so cute when they do that. My neighbor has a Westie and he is always tilting his head when you talk to him but Skeeter just looks at you with puzzlement in his eyes like trying to wonder what on earth you are telling him. You can't imagine how dissappointed I am because my pup doesn't tilt his precious little head.



Liddy is a head-tilter as well. She also winks sometimes, which, in combination with the head-tilt, gives her a "I got ya, chief" look.


So far Bruschi tilts right when Animal Planet is on and he hears dogs barking.


I know that this is an older topic, but I was so excited. This evening Toto tilted his head for the first time!!! He did it to the right twice when I asked if he needed to "go outside". I just wanted to share :) - Darsey


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