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More snow!


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We had a couple more inches of snow last night, so Liddy was out investigating. She likes to stick her nose in the snow and take a big sniff. Here's a picture of her with a fading snow mustache.


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Liddy is so adorable! Looks like we both took pictures yesterday in the snow.

Here's Scully - wearing for the first time - her doggy coat. This was a good choice because you can just put it over her back and it velcros around her neck and belly, VERY quick.

I can't wait until we get the fence in the spring because next year she'll really be able to have a ball running around in the snow which she loves. She was jumping up in the air trying to eat the snowflakes.


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Bosco likes to roll in the snow, but we are concerned about a couple of things:

1) Is it safe for the pups to eat clean/fresh snow? We don't want him to get sick from it. :(

2) When his coat/feet get caked with ice we need to use the hairdryer on the low setting. Has anyone else found a better method to de-ice?

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Scully looks great in her doggy coat! It looks like its warm and, more importantly, easy to put on and take off.

Milopup, I've seen Liddy lick fresh snow, but I haven't seen her actually eat any. I'm not a vet, but I'd imagine it can't be too harmful for your pup to injest a little fresh snow...I know I used to do it as a kid!

Also, blow-drying Bosco's feet sounds like a great idea! With Liddy I usually melt her snow-feet with a warm towel (fresh out of the dryer), but I will have to dry the hairdryer next time. If the snow and ice really become a problem, I know that you can buy doggie booties to cover their feet. I've never tried this and can't imagine Liddy keeping booties on for too long.

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Thanks Bekah. We tried booties before but Bosco kept chewing/pulling them off his feet. He did not like them at all. He does like wearing his fleece coat though. :)

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When his coat/feet get caked with ice we need to use the hairdryer on the low setting.  Has anyone else found a better method to de-ice?


Last year I discovered an easy way to deal with the ice/snow on feet...just run them under water and poof! Gone! I either hold her feet under the kitchen faucet or spray them off in the tub with the detachable hose. I wish I would've figured this trick out sooner! When you're done, just towel dry them, (and keep him inside until they're completely dry, or use the hair dryer like you mentioned.

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Thanks for that tip. Does your pup eat snow when she is playing around in it? Do you know if it is okay for them to eat a bit of snow?


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I don't notice that she eats the snow but when I take her for her daily walk, if she can get to some snow, she'll lick it as she walks. :lol: Of course snow has dirt in it from the air and I wouldn't eat it myself but I doubt it would hurt her. :P

Does your dog eat a lot of it or just munch on it?

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