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Humans vs dogs


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They say a mans/womans best friend is a dog but what happens when the dog has other best friends? I've been feeling so left out lately with my 3 Cairns. It seems they'd rather frolick among themselves than play with me. :crybaby:

I'm the "best" when it's dinner time, the treat jar gets shaken, the leash gets taken out, they see baby carrots or I come home with a goodie bag from Petco but other than that I'm feeling like a 4th wheel. Must I grow fur to be loved? When will I be important?

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Oh, you are very important to your pups!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I feel the opposite.....I am always telling Scout that I went through training a new puppy ALL OVER AGAIN just so SHE could have a friend to play with, and she always jumps on my lap!!! Don't get me wrong...they love to play together...but Mommy's lap is always first choice. Want to have your three come over and explain it to my two?? I'd love some peace! LOL!

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Same here....I got Cooper Yoda, and now it's Cooper in my lap! About half the time it's both of them jockeying for the key scratching spot. This past week I have not been feeling well and have been coming home and taking a nap each day. Well, two days ago, I thought it might be nice to let the dogs lie down with me because I just felt yucky and cold. There we were all nicely napping, Cooper cuddled up to my side, Yoda down by my legs, when BAM!! right in the stomach. I thought there was a stranger in my house and I was getting the you know what beaten out of me! I quickly woke up to find Yoda standing there staring me down.....seems he didn't like I had slept past his dinner time! Yesterday I was smarter.....I laid down on my side! Cooper curled up behind me, and Yoda in front, right under where my arm hung down and scooted up enough so his legs were on one side of my arm and his tummy was on the other, then proceeded to move my arm with his legs for a ten minute belly scratch! I got woke up later when he rolled over, off the futon, and onto the floor! I figured he deserved the payback!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Frolick w/ them. :D Seriously, when my cairn girls are playing, I join in. They love it! I sound crazy here, but I get on my hands and knees and it's like I'm a giant cairn to them. :D Little Hannah will run under me thinking it's the greatest thrill ever when I grab her. I grab a toy and then all the girls want that toy.

I do know the feeling of being the "maid". I do feel at times I'm only good for feeding and taking them out. But then I come down to their level and play w/ them and they love it. Don't wait to be invited, just join in.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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They would love a good game of hide and seek and they would play with you but you need another human because the dogs cheat! I will hide and hollar youhoo and then they come find me and my hubby will hide while they are hunting for me it is so much fun!

They play chase and I will sit on the floor with my back against the sofa so there is a litte room and they use it as a tunnel and thats fun.

Feels good on the back too!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I think Bruschi is a bit lonely for animals. He loves the kids and loves people, but when he sees dogs and cats he wants to run and play with them. I think he really misses his littermates and dog friends.

Maybe that argument will work with my husband to get another one! :devil:

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My guys really like it when i get down on the floor to play but I have to say I can't crawl around as fast as I used to. We play ball and tug the stuffed toy and growl and carry on but when it comes time to get back up these 50 year old knees aren't quite as spry.

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I think the only reason I wouldn't get another dog is because they tend to pay less attention to you. That can have it's benefits at times though, because sometimes you are tired and just want to relax, and also because they wear each other out. But overall I like being the center of his world. And personally, I wouldn't want to clean up anymore poop than I had too.

They are naturally pack animals so it only makes sense that they would gravitate towards their own kind more readily. But I still think they rely on you in certain ways as the Alpha no matter how many you raise. I suppose you would have to take a different approach if you were raising more than one Cairn though, much like you would parent twins somewhat differently, or more than one child. But I am sure there are ways to train them to still maintain the same level of interest in you, as much as they would if there weren't another dog.

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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