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Hello everyone! Me and Toto wanted to give an official hello, we are fairly new to the site (I've already utilized the behavior forum) and to top that off I am new to this breed. Toto is new to the family and so far he has been a fun and interesting family member. Along with Toto I also have a three year old son and the two of them together get into twice as much trouble! :D (boy is it fun juggling a pup, a child, a husband, and school!) Toto was originally intended to be a Christmas gift for my mother-in-law we got him almost a month before Christmas so he spent his first two weeks with me (Thats when I got attatched!) Then he left us, we told my MIL (thats correct shortening for mother in law right?) that he would always have a place with us if he didn't work out (although I wanted it to work out I secretly also kinda didn't). Well mid january she called my husband and explained that she did not have the proper time that she thought she had to spend with him,(and he was teething at the same time come to think of it he still is) as a result.... well she now has some not so pretty legs and corners on her furniture. So he joined us again where I was sad that it did not work out but happy to see him. And he's been here since, but here he prefers my boots and slide on shoes to furniture legs :lol: (I've been working on it and he's been getting better about sticking with the chew toys.) Well we hope to talk to you all in the future! - Darsey

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Welcome Darsey and Toto! Well, it sounds like you're well into Cairn life - :devil:

We look forward to see pictures of Toto in the future. What are you taking in school?

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Welcome! I've had my almost 2-year-old for about 3 months and it's my first time with a Cairn also. They are such loving, comical dogs. I love the way they kick their legs out back (froggy) and Banjo just LOVES to fling his toys. Have fun!

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Welcome!! We are first time Cairn owners also. They are a fun breed, aren't they?! We have had Abby for 7 weeks and we're having a blast!! Enjoy and post pictures!!


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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Cairns Darsey and Toto! We'll all be here to go through the fun and frustration with you! :lol:

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Welcome Darsey & Toto! Gidget and I are fairly new to the forum also. You are going to love this forum. Everyone is very helpful and quick to respond to your problem questions and your unique funny stories (we all know you'll have some).

Have a blast with Toto! ;)

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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