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The sky is falling


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Poor Rebel ....he had a very stressful day yesterday. Let me begin with, we have a sunroom on the back of our home and it has a tin roof so it is really loud when it rains hard. We have had lots of rain in the last couple of months and it never bothered Rebel but some of the storms did damage the roof of our home. Yesterday the roofers showed up at a bright and early 7 am to put on a new roof.

Rebel was so intrigued with all the new people walking around the house and he was raising youknowwhat. THEN THE SKY BEGAN TO FALL, they went on the roof and started working and poor Rebel got very quiet and cowered under my husbands legs. I admit it was very LOUD. He ran in the living room under the coffee table and cowered with his body as flat to the floor with his eyes looking up. After a few minutes he sat by our bedroom door and made this whimper and my hubby opened the door and he shot under our bed were he stayed until I got home around 3. He never came out!

I got home early to take him to the vet he was due for his well checkup. Of course he was glad to leave the house. I told Dr. Michele what had happened and she laughed and said he thought the SKY WAS FALLING. When we got home the roofers were packing up and they petted and played with him and all is right with his world now. So if you get your roof redone remember it might scare your furry friend. BTW his little brother the pug slept through most of it. HAHA


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Thanks for your concern Thela the worst part it is he is starting to show signs of allergy problems...that time of year. We are going to start a new treatment early and hope it helps. I will let you know how he does. I am learning alot since we have been using the holistic approach and my vet is wonderful. I will let you know more as we progress. I think my little red head may have a wonderful spring this year! I sure hope so.

I wonder if red cairns are more sensitive to allergies?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Good to hear your story. I'm having my roof done as soon as the snow melts (probably April) and I think maybe I should take the pets up to my mother's for the day. I'm sure they, too, will think "The sky is falling" Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Good luck with the allergies. We usually don't have any problems until about August but then we have to watch pretty carefully for the first signs.

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It sounds like allergies are a cairn problem. Is there any type of certain thing you are to look for? Should they be on a more "organic diet" then?

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Oh, the poor little guy! Who knows what goes through the minds of our Carins. That has got to be one of his favorite rooms with the sun and all, no? I know I'd spend most of my time there.

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