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Website with doggy stuff


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I have to keep telling myself or I could be in trouble.

It is a great site. I bought grilly an adorable designer raincoat for

a {cough, cough} pretty penny {ahem} and he

refuses to walk when he is in it! I learned my lesson there!

Another cute site (they have doggie birthday stuff)


Take care everybody! :D

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OMG!! Check out the toys at the site Brad posted!!!

"Chewy Vuiton" purse

"Chewnel #5" cologne bottle

""Jimmy Chew" shoe

What a hoot!!!


Cathy and Piper

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On the radio they talked about the new cell phones for dogs....yes a cell phone for your dog and they are bone shaped. They will be on the market within the next couple of months. Yes doggie cell phones that is phones for your dogs that you can put on the collar of your dog.

All I could think of is how quickly my dogs would eat the phone! And then we would be pooping cell phone parts in the yard.

Ok I admit I have spoiled rotten dogs but never in a thousand years will they have a cell phone


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh yes, my dog has already tried to eat MY cell phone. I made the mistake of leaving it on the bed and he was chomping away on it when I got out of the shower. It still works (luckily) - there are just a few cosmetic modifications made to it. :devil:

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Cell phones. I can only imagine.

*ring* *ring* "Hello?"

"ArooOOOooo. Arf! Arf! Don't forget to bring home some bones!"

*ring* *ring* "Hello?"

"ArooOOOooo. Arf! Arf! Helliot stole your shoe and ate it!"

*ring* *ring* "Hello?"

"ArooOOOooo. Arf! Arf! What channel is Animal Planet?"

*ring* *ring* "Hello?"

"ArooOOOooo. Arf! Arf! I have to go out real bad. Hurry home."

*ring* *ring* "Hello?"

"ArooOOOooo. Arf! Arf! Never mind!"

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