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Tink Doesn't Like the Rake (or the vacuum)


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Tink, my 6 month old female Cairn, hates the rake, broom or vacuum. Yesterday she was trying to get the rake and bit my leg three times. Today I'm bruised and sore. She really wasn't trying to get me, but the rake. Any suggestions other than putting her in the house when I'm working in the yard? When I vacuum she goes after the vacuum cleaner bag and just about tears it up. Does anyone else have a similar problem with this. She is violent with these objects.



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Poor little Tink! It sounds like she was maybe trying to protect you??!! Abby doesn't like the vacuum cleaner that well either, but usually our daughters or my husband try to keep her occupied when I've got it out!!


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Scully HATES the vacuum but her way of dealing with it is to give it a dirty look and then run away. :P She does, however, LOVE the swifter duster. She will jump to get it like nobody's business. Now if I can just train her to dust with it, I'll have it made! :D

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Tucker hates the vacuum and the rake also. He tries to attack the vacuum so aggressively that I have to put him outside while I finish. Now, the rake I think he just wants to attack, but not viciously. He'll usually get bored with it after a few minutes and run off to explore the yard.


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I swear all our Cairns came from the same mold.

Elliott and Madison are terrors when I clean. Elliott crouches his little body right in front of the vacuum cleaner and I swear if the suction vents were larger they'd suck up his little beard! Absolutely no fear, only aggression. And the little cordless vac gets even more attention.

The dust mop I think is the favorite. Maybe it's my fault because I just can't help but "tease" them a bit with it. I'll get all three chasing it around while I zig zag across the floor, under the table, down the hall. And it's fun!!! One of these days they are going to figure out how to get into the hall closet and I'll have no one to blame but myself when I find this mop torn to shreds. :lol:

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Scout use to become very upset when I turned on the vacuum cleaner. One day I put her in the bathroom so I could clean. When I opened the door she had peed on the floor! I started carrying her around with me while I vacuumed (easy to do when she was tiny). I did this for several weeks. I started letting her down while I vacuumed, but picked her up when she got upset. She finally calmed down and will now let me vacuum. She will still try to chase it every once in awhile, but she is much less stressed when I use it.

Finch, on the other hand, doesn't even look up when I turn it on! Her breeeder said she exposed all the dogs to the vacuum when they were newborns....I think it worked!

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Bruschi doesn't care about the vac. He just watches it and follows me around but doesn't bark or go after it. The broom on the other hand he will just bite it and sweeping basically can't be done with him around!

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Tink's mom again--You should see my leg - it is all bruised where she was attacking me. I have learned my lesson on this. I have never seen a dog react so violently to a rake! Fortunately, she is extremely affectionate and cuddly. She loves to sit on my lap, and sleeps with us every night - under the covers and right up against us. So - I don't hold these bruises against her too much. I just won't let my grandchildren rake or vacuum!



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Duffy attacks the vacuum cleaner even when it is parked safely in the utility closet. Would make a really cute cartoon; an army of Cairns facing off with an army of assorted vacuum cleaners, brooms and mops. Any artists in the group?


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Roxie was really bad with the vac as a pup, then kind of calmed down. But just last month she went nuts again and tried to bite it and actually got her mouth on the brush part as it was moving. Oouch!! She stays away now. The broom on the other hand I gave up. She attacks the broom AND the pile I am sweeping. Loss cause when she is around.

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