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Received Call From Breeder


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My wife and I just received a call from our breeder and she stated that NONE of the puppies from 2 different litters would be available. She has lost 2 pups and all of the other puppies have contracted some type of disease, and her vet advised not to release any. Seems the disease is contracted through human contact, she really didn't get into details as she was pretty torn up. After putting down a depost in December and preparing for the new addition, we are torn up our selves.

The breeder has giving us the decision for a full refund or to wait 4-6 months for another litter. We have decided on the refund and I instantly got online searching for another breeder with pups thats fairly close. Sure enough I found a breeder, placed a call and we are sending a deposit tomorrow for a male from her. We only have to wait an additional 2 weeks, but thats nothing knowing we are getting a healthy pup.

I could see the relief on my wifes face as she hung up the phone. I told her somethings just weren't to be and everything would work out, sure enough less than an hour later we had our answer. In fact the breeder invited us down this weekend to get a look at the pup and his siblings.

WHEW (deep sigh) will keep everyone updated:


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So sorry for your dissapointment. As I started to read that she lost 2 pups, I immediately thought of parvo. I'm surprised there would be much human contact at such a young age. I think it was wise to get your refund back. I wish you the very best as you wait for your new addition and hope you have a healthy new pup soon. Don't forget to take some pictures when you visit your soon-to-be new pup and post them.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Greg, I'm sorry to hear about the poor puppies. I know it was hard to hear this news after looking so forward to adopting a brand new puppy, but it looks like you have something to look forward to now! Yes, take lots and lots of pictures! When do you bring the puppy home?

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Greg, I'm so sorry the news about the puppies is bad. I'm glad that the breeder was straightforward with you and is willing to give your deposit back. You're right, things do happen for a reason. I'm glad you won't have to wait too much longer for your puppy. I know he'll be that much more special to you because of it!


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Guest Darcy's mom

Hi Greg,

I read your post and was wondering if you know what the breeder will do with the rest of the pups out of the litter with the sick pups? I am just curious, do they put all the pups down or what?

So sorry to hear that your first try for a puppy was unsuccessful but I just know this second breeder will provide you and your wife with a healthy, happy pup. Good luck and post pictures!!!

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I'm also feeling your disappointment but glad the outcome is good. It was nice of the breeder to be so honest with you and I think you did the right thing by looking elsewhere for a pup. That's not to say she isn't excellent at breeding....it's just you may be leary of getting your hopes up for a future litter and having the same thing happen.

I hope the little pups recover and find good homes down the road. Maybe she'll keep them after nursing them back to health. I like to think of the positive or else I'll worry about them.

Yes, post pics, we love pics of new puppies. I know it makes me want another and another.....

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Greg, sorry to hear about those 2 litters! :( Hopefully the remaining pups will recover. How heartbreaking! Way to go with being proactive and finding another breeder so quickly! Enjoy the upcoming trip to meet the babies!

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I am so sorry to hear the heartbreaking news about the puppies and I agree that you made the right decision about the refund. I am glad you were able to find another breeder so quickly!!! I'm very happy for you and your wife!!! Keep us up to date!!


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Greg, I join the others in saying how sorry I am about the puppies. Things do happen for a reason so I think that your new little guy will be even more special. We can't wait to see the pictures!

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I am so sorry for your loss. I agree that things happen for

a reason. Good luck with your new pup and keep us posted.

Ellie ~~ Grilly's Mom

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