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Attended My First Dog Show!


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Denver is having a big dog show this weekend. Not long ago Brad said to go and see how they groom the cairns and with admission being only $3 we decided to go! There were 26 cairns in their breed show and what cuties! I talked to a couple of different breeders/handlers and ended up buying 2 stripping knives.

One thing I noticed is how small they all were. I don't know their ages but I would say there wasn't one over 10 pounds. :shock:

We also went to the agility contests. I was hoping to see a cairn run the course but none did while we were there. There was 1 westie that did. It was a fun day!

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That's terrific you went and had an opportunity to talk to some folks - and do some vending. Our Echo's litter sister Scone lives in Colorado and I understand two nieces and two nephews were at the show. Twenty-six is a big entry for an all-breed show. How fun.

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We attended a dog show last summer and really enjoyed the day, too.

I, too, would love to know the brand and type/size of stripping knives you bought?? Were these recommended to you by the breeders?

I just have the Mars tool so far and could probably use a knife.



Cathy and Piper

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That's one problem w/ living in a smaller city like mine. :( I would love to take dd to a big dog show. The last one we went to was a couple hrs drive. It was good but there weren't any cairns but we enjoyed looking at the australian terriers, another cute dog.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Brad, that's neat that Scone lives here and you know some show attendees!

I just did some internet searches about buying the stripping knives. I see they have some at petstores but if you'll go to cherrybrook.com and search for stripping knives you can see what mine look like. On the page, you'll have to scroll down and soon you'll see McClellan brand knives with red and yellow handles, one is fine and the other is coarse. Mine looks identical to them except the brand says Classic. I bought them b/c that's what the breeders were using. They're nice b/c they have rubbery handles and are easy to use. Carolina's ears are already starting to look better!

This dog show was huge. I saw in the schedule that 92 rotweilers were showing! (That breed was the largest.) Now that I know about this fun event, I'll have to watch for it next year!

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