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Looks like I may be getting a pup


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Well, it looks like I might be getting a Cairn next weekend (I don't want to jinx myself). Since this is the most wonderful forum and you are all so great with advice and encouragement, HELP! I bought 2 books but the best advice I believe comes from those who have been there. Can you give me advice as to what I should do to be ready? What I should have in the house when he/she comes home? Thanks!

"If I only had a Cairn."

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Congratulations prandaj!

Number One Most Important Thing To Have: PATIENCE!

Oh, and some Prozac followed by a chaser of Maalox.

Just joking, you are going to be SO happy with your decision, and I wish you much happiness. We look forward to hearing your stories and seeing pictures of course!

Did you get the basics like a crate; do you need any babygates? Wee-wee pads and plenty of Nature's Miracle (I think that's right :confused: ). Little chew toys and some little stuffed toys.

You already have the main ingredient. LOVE!

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Oh yes...patience and a sense of humor. That can go a long way.

Remember that your cuddly puppy won't be a puppy for very long so... ENJOY the baby stage,

An ex-pen is a wonderful investment for a puppy. You can set it up in a convienent room to keep the little guy/girl confined which will make housetraining easier. I've used one of mine in the yard for the puppy to do "business".

Paper towels.....cases of them. :P

Some simple grooming tools like a brush/comb. You want to get your little one used to being touched....the ears, feet, mouth.

Most of all....have fun with your Cairn.

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I can't add anything else to what you will need....maybe some soft OLD towels for the crate??

Enjoy and please post pics as soon as you can!

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Scully's Mom, I laughed out loud at your message! :D Thank you all for your suggestions, please keep them coming! A neighbor is giving me a crate, but it may be plastic, is a wire one where the pup can see everything better? And what is an ex-pen? (It's like baby things - after a few years there's so much new stuff that you don't know about!) I have 2 baby gates already.

Keep your fingers crossed that this works out. I haven't put a deposit or anything, so I'm a little nervous after reading the message from pookiegirl.

"If I only had a Cairn."

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Ask the breeder what the pup is eating. You may wish to switch foods later, but for familiarity and stability now you can feed the pup whatever it is used to eating.

Nothing wrong with a plastic crate. Although wire crates are tops for ventilation (and we use them generally), plastic crates have a nicer 'den' feeling that dogs often prefer for comfort and security. We have many around the house, and use them exclusively in our vehicles.

These are ex-pens. They are incredibly useful. We tend to get 30-inch for general use. Overkill for a puppy, but will be useful for the life of the dog.

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