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Guest Susan Provan

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Guest Susan Provan

Greetings. My husband and I are searching for a site to talk to and learn from other happy cairn owners. Our cairn Gigi will be three years old at the end of the month. For my first topic starter, I am sure that other owners have had this problem, but can you clue me in on how you fixed it? Gigi licks and even knaws at her feet. We are wondering if it is because she might have dry skin, skin allergies, or maybe even allergies to her dog food. We have taken her to the vet, but they could not tell if she had a skin allergy. Gigi has always been finiki about her food; we have to feed her seperately from the cat's because she prefers the catfood. Is there a breeder out there or an experienced owner who can suggest a quality brand dog food to try? Thanks - Susan


Hi Susan, welcome to our group!

Our Cairn is 19 months old and from September until November we had a heck of a time with her licking the fur off the top of her paws. Her problem was a seasonal allergy and a shot from the vet quickly fixed that. I know others here have had the same problem and they switched their foods. Scully is on Nutro dry food.

Again, welcome and you will definitely get some great answers to your problems. Please post a picture of Gigi if you can, we'd love to see her.


Hi Susan,

Glad to have you with us.

You'll find alot of good info on this site, tons of hilarious stories, wonderful people who enjoy sharing their love of Cairns, pictures that make you want to get another and then another Cairn and occassionally something that will make you cry. We're like one big family. :chat:



Welcome Susan and Gigi,

My dogs have had problems with allergies, so I have them on Nutro Oatmeal, chicken and rice kibble. I make sure that the food and treats they get do not contain anything but those ingredients to keep their diet simple and consistent. We avoid wheat gluten and corn.

It could be food, but then again it could be grass or fleas. It could be a number of things. I would find a different vet if mine blew off any of my concerns. You can also try giving her a 25mg tablet of Benedryl twice a day.

Are you bathing Gigi? If so, I would reduce the baths to only when absolutely necessary as bathing can dry out their skin. When you do bathe, use something like an Oatmeal shampoo and rinse, rinse rinse!!

Good luck! Keep posting so we can hear of Gigi's progress. Also, we love seeing pictures on this board!! <hint, hint!>


Welcome Susan! Carolina licks her paws but not excessively, so no help here!

She too would much rather eat cat food than her own so my DH build a box for the cat food. It's 13 in. high, 18 in. long and 25 in. wide, (with storage inside)! It took the cat a few days to get used to the idea of jumping up on it to eat but now he loves his box and will even lay on it and wait to be fed! :D Just a thought for your situation.

Good luck!


Welcome Susan and Gigi. :) I'm the proud owner of 3 adorable cairns which definitely keeps me busy. No lickers here but I'm sure you'll get some great advice from someone else. I just wanted to welcome you.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


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