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I have been trying to let Bruschi brush him and I read to use a slicker brush, which btw seems like a bunch of needles! someone I work with grooms dogs and said to just start with a dog comb. I have tried like crazy over a week or so to get him to let me comb him and finally what I did is take a stuffed animal, one of HIS toys, and talk to it and comb the toy! He came over and let me do it to HIM!! what a riot. :lol:

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Congratulations!! I try to brush Abby (12 weeks old) when she's ready to settle down for a nap. She's really relaxed and she seems to enjoy it then!!


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Roxie used to be OK with me brushing her, but now Roxie nor Vinnie will leave me come within two feet of them when they see a brush, no matter what they are doing. I have hair all over the place, and really can't afford to take them to the groomers all the time. Do you have to be plain mean and hold them down and fight with them? Please anyone help!!! If I do only get a few secs what is the best to get the most -- slicker brush against the hair or something else?

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get the wide tooth comb and try what I did. it really worked. I started with only a minute at a time then pick one of his toys and do it to the toy.

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When Cooper and Yoda see the brush in my hand, it's a fight between the two of them over who gets to be brushed first! They are absolutely hysterical....I've never seen two dogs who like to be brushed more! And Cooper even loves the Mars....he sits there like he is in cairn heaven.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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My two don't hate being brushed, but they certainly don't wait in line to have it done! LOL! Scout slowly creeps away, trying to blend in with the floor. Finch just kind of sits and stares....gives me a look of "not again!". They don't try to get away, but they sure are not happy....ears down and all!

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My three are like Shoes, they try to blend in w/ the floor (excellent description :thumbsup: ) When not using the Mars Coat King, I have a great brush that removes the dead hairs and use that on them a few times a week. I think part of the problem for them is knowing the perfume will follow. :shock:

I'm proud at the progress I've made w/ them. I can put Abbey and Hannah on their back in a dog bed to trim nails now. Kiara still needs two people to hold her. :whistle:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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The floor trick...shoe, that was so funny but so true. Madison is notorious for thinking I won't see her if she slithers down like a snake. She will eventually allow the brushing but fights when I get to her face or her tail.

Winnie, I can brush, clip, strip and she's a dream to work on. Elliott is just too much puppy but I find he does like the Mars alot better than the slicker brush or pin brush. It may just feel good against his skin. He is another one that fights me when I want to comb/brush his face.

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Somehow you guys can take my worst nightmare )like trying to brush Vinnie and Roxie) and make me laugh!!!! They do slither into the floor like you can't see them, dont' they? Tails down, ears back and a "oh, no" in the eyes! At least next time when I try to tackle them, I'll thing about what you all said and I'll laugh all the way through the fight.

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