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Buying a pup without seeing first; kennels


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Did anyone ever buy a pup without first meeting it? For example, has anyone had their pup shipped to them via plane without ever seeing the dogs? The breeder came recommended, but I'm new at this so I don't know if it is a common practice.

Also my sister knows a woman who got a Cairn at a kennel. Is this a glorified puppy mill, or a legitimate place to get a pup?


"If I only had a Cairn."

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We had Abby shipped to us by airplane. We had a wonderful experience with this. I had been in contact with our breeder for quite a while and she knew that we were wanting a female. We saw several pictures of her litter and just knew Abby was the one!!! I had complete faith in our breeder and we have not had any regrets!! We would do it all over again in a heartbeat!!!!


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We didn't see either one of our dogs before we adopted them. Scout came from a woman who's DH just lost his job and they had to move 2 hours away and move into her MIL home. Scout came from her friends mother, who was a breeder. This all came "word of mouth", so who knows if any of it was true. We met her in a parking lot on her way out of town. We paid $250 for Scout and she gave us everything she owned for the dog. She cried and cried when she gave us Scout. She had Scout for 3 weeks before giving her up. It was a risky thing to do, but we couldn't have asked for a better puppy! She was well cared for, and you could tell she was well loved, and that's what's important to us.

We didn't see Finch either, but we talked to the breeder ALOT and she sent us pictures each week. When we picked up Finch, we met the breeder, and Finch's mother, father, and siblings.

I think if you have good contact with the breeder, you are half way there. Adopting a puppy is always a gamble because so much goes into having a healthy well adjusted dog....but it's all well worth it, in my book!

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I had my first cairn, Kiara shipped. Wanting a dark brindle female, I found her on-line. I contacted the seller and the seller emailed me pics of the litter. I took one look at her picture and sent him a deposit. The seller kept emailing me pictures until she was shipped and we talked several times on the phone and stayed in contact through emails. The seller gave me the website of the breeder who owned my pup's father so I was able to see his picture, even emailed that breeder to ask more questions.

I have no regrets having had Kiara shipped as she has been a wonderful pet.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I would love to get another cairn for Bruschi someday. Right now I am so tired from training him its been a whirlwind the past 3 weeks. I think many people have to buy without seeing and just hope for the best because it seems like all the breeders are always so far away! Unless you can take off and travel you may not have a choice but to have the pup shipped.

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I have just recently had my pup Harley shipped. I talked to the seller by phone a couple of times and saw many pics of him and the litter. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The seller gave me everything I needed, and I felt like I could really trust her.

By the way, Harley missed his first flight. :lol: He forgot to get on the plane. :D Actually the airline forgot to put him on the plane. I was so worried when he didn't come in on the flight he was supposed to be on. But then he arrived 2 hours later. :)

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harleymom...please excuse my humor but him missing his flight can be interpreted as a Cairn trait....

"Lets cause some stress to my family and see what they'll do." :lol:

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harleymom you must have been so bummed too! I mean the waiting for the puppy to be ready, then waiting for the plane and then for him to miss the plane!!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine it.

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Harleymom, I can just imagine how anxious you must have been waiting for your new pup and then to have him not show. Kiara was one of the last crates to be carried out and I was such a bundle of nerves over that. The hardest part of having her flown in was waiting to see her. I'm just glad that you have your new pup home safe w/ you now.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Even though we got Scully from a breeder that was about an hour away, I knew right away from the pictures that we wanted her. I knew in my heart that nothing would change my mind and I was right.

I'd like to throw a question out there for those of you who had a puppy shipped. Did it add a major cost to the final fee - and also, didn't we have a discussion a long time ago about the safety of dogs being in a plane's cargo hold? Were you able to get reassurances from your breeders that they would travel safely?

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Duffy, our 13 month old came to us from a reputable breeder in MO. He was supposed to have been flown out to us but the weather there last Feb was at freezing levels, too cold for the pups to have to wait on the tarmac. Since the breeder had four pups that were sold to Californians, her husband actually drove the pups out here in a converted van. Duffy was delivered right to our front door. We even got to see one of his brothers and a sister. We could not have been more happy with the breeder or the fine service they provided in getting Duffy to us.


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