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Behavior problems/biting at the "air"


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Any other Cairn owners experienced w/ their pet, excessive paw licking or their dog biting at the " air" for no apparent reason? We have a one year old dog, Gizmo

who is really quite an easy pet, but his behavior is really unusual. Any ideas?

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Possibilities to investigate with your vet might include: boredom (lack of exercise), allergies, epilepsy, and compulsive behaviors caused by illness or pain. We've not (so far) experienced "air snapping" but a change in diet was effective in reducing (essentially eliminating) excessive paw licking in one of our girls.

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I can't speak for the "air biting", but I had a big problem with the paw licking. She had licked the hair off all her paws. It turned out it was a seasonal allergy and a shot of cortisone did the trick.

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