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Hee hee hee!


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Hi all,

I've surpassed 365 posts and would like to add Duffy's picture as my avatar. Can one of you "enlightened ones" tell this old man how to do it?



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HA HA Brad. The only picture I have of Duffy is in bmp format and it does not look like the Forum accepts bmp. The picture I am using until I can get Duffy in jpg is the new organ console at the church I am organist at. Thought I would share with my Cairn family what I do every Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until noon. It's almost like being in the cockpit of a 747!


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Thela, I love the avatar! I had enough posts for awhile before I even knew I could add one.

Note to Brad: Did somebody steal the edit button? I've noticed in the last couple days when I wanted to fix a post I couldn't because my button is missing. C'mon now, which of you guys stole my button?????

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Oh Thella, I love it! I'm in the process of updating mine. I didn't like the sketch I made that I was using. I just can't seem to find the time to "play" on the computer.

Mike, I had to laugh :D . I was squinting pretty hard to try and see Duffy in your avatar.

P.S. Mike, just read that that's the organ you play in church. That's very impressive. :thumbsup: I played piano/organ for years just for my own enjoyment and really miss playing now. Maybe someday I'll get back into playing again.

Kerry, Bruschi is simply adorable in that picture. :wub:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Mike, I'm in awe of your talent! That organ is very intimidating!! You can change the format of your pictures from BMP to JPEG by opening the file, then click "SAVE AS" and in the drop down menu of the save screen find JPEG and hit save. I think that should work.

Kerry, that picture of Bruschi is too cute. It looks like he's saying, "Cheeeeeese!"


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I love the picture!! You have two beautiful boys!! I have a long way to go - one of these days, though, I'll get there!!


That is awesome!! I don't know what else to say!!


Bruschi is a doll!! I love his "smile" - he looks so happy!!


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