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Oldest Cairn You've Owned or Known!

Guest Bonniebroad

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Guest Bonniebroad

:) I've had three Cairns.......... one living to age 15, I have one now who is 15 years, 5 months. (Both males.) (One little female puppy we had to have put down because of genetic problems.)

How old was the longest lived Cairn that you've known or owned?


Pluto, who we got at the pound, lived to be at least 16 years. We never really knew how old he was since they didn't know when we adopted him. The vet thought he was between six-nine months when we brought him home. He has been gone for 12 years now and I still miss that dog!! I remember when he would get out of the yard, he would wander. When he got to the street, he would stop, watch for traffic, and only cross the road if he saw no cars! It was amazing to see a dog do that.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
Guest webstar

OH Bonnie, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to put your baby girl down. I've never had to do that and can't imagine how hard that must be to do. Years ago my DH came home from the farm to get his gun to put his favorite old mare down, he sat on the bed and cried for a half hour before he could get up the courage to go and do it, by the time he got back she had passed on her own. I can't tell you how long cairns live as Molly is my first cairn. My cairn books say 15 yrs. small dogs generally have longer life spans then bigger dogs. There are always exceptions to every rule. MG


Oure previous Cairn was a month shy of 14 when we had to have her put down almost two years ago. She had lived since the age of 11 with Cushing's Disease, though, so we feel lucky to have had her for as long as we did. RIP Lucy. :halo:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton


Maddie was almost 13, when she died of Cancer. She'd been on steroids throughout her life for allergies, which I'm sure didn't help her longevity.

Murph just turned 14 in October. He moves a lil' slower and doesn't hear and see quite as well, but he still manages to give my 2 Collie puppers a run for their money. He's a very young 14.



Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.


My Ginger was 14 years old when she had a massive stroke and I had to have her put down.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have been looking to adopt an older Cairn (2 years and up) - hopefully from one of the rescue groups- and there is a dog available who is 13. She is apparently very healthy and spunky. After reading these posts, my initial fears of adopting a dog this old (loving her and losing her too fast) seem to be somewhat founded. This is my first visit to these message boards and I would love to get some feedback from this group on this. Having had a previous dog (classic mutt!) who lived to 19, I'm still tempted to consider the 13 year old.



Hi DJ,

I understand about your feelings of adopting an older dog, but in the long run, regardless of how long the dog lives, you have given a senior animal who deserves to spend the remainder of his/her years in a loving environment the chance to do just that! If I had the resources to do so, I would open a senior citizens home for dogs whose owners have abandoned them because of their age and/or infirmities (much like many humans do with their senior relatives) and give them a peaceful, loving environment until its their time to go on to the Rainbow Bridge :halo: . If I were you, I would take that 13 year old!



Thanks Mike. Your comment/thoughts are inspiring. I hope to find out more about "her" this evening and will hopefully be making a trip to meet her.



I hope it all works out for you DJ! Best wishes with this endeavor and please, let us/me know how it works out.



When I was in jr. high we got a cairn terrier mix, (never sure what she was mixed with!) She lived to be 16.

Ok, this topic is making me sad b/c Carolina is 7 so her life is probably 1/2 over. :crybaby:


I know this post originated earlier in the month, but I just read it! We had a male, Oliver, who lived almost 17 years and was never sick during that time. Our vet bills were only for his annual check-ups. We made up for it when he got ill at the end though. It was worth it because he was part of the family and we would have done anything for him. We just recently got our newest, Tink, who is now six months and a female. What a challenge she is, but I think she will be sweet one of these days!

Linda B



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