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Can't believe how much I miss Elliott


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Elliott was neutered this morning, everything went well and I thought I might enjoy a quiet and relaxing day for a change.

It was horrible!! I missed his barking, his whining, cleaning up his accidents, picking up the pieces of wood he sneaks in the house, taking him outside every 2 hours, his mischief-making and most of all, just his presence. I can't believe how much I love this little guy. :wub:

I thought both Madison and Winnie would be sad without him around :whistle: Both of them have been playing all day with all the toys Elliott normally takes away from them because he's the "baby" and thinks he can get away with it. I'm surprised my girls haven't taken his bed out of his crate and dragged it to the trash bin. :lol:

Just can't wait til tomorrow morning. Let the games begin.....



So glad to hear that Elliot did well with his surgery. Don't expect that this will slow him down any. We expected Duffy to be a little mellower after his........HA!



Glad things went well with Elliott/Helliott. It IS amazing how quickly these little ones worm their way into our hearts. Sounds like Madison and Winnie are doing some "high fives" with their paws that their little brother is giving them a mini-vacation.


Well I'm glad that you will be getting your friend back.

I just lost my friend about 2 weeks ago, she passed away the day I was coming home from burying my wife's father. The vet called and said that "Baby" was having a hard time breathing and I drove like a madman for the first hour and then got the call from my wife that I left in Roanoke that my Baby died. I had to pull over as I couldn't see from the tears, God I can still feel that as I'm writing this, but it helps so I'll ramble on a little more. My Baby was a mix of terrier and snauzer or however you spell that last one.... Well I promised my friend when I had her in upstate New York a couple of years ago, that I'd bury her in a special place I found on my parents property. Well a blizzard was being predicted the next day to cross to the east, but I said I'm going to do it and I did, I drove 35 miles an hour after I hit Delaware for the rest of the drive to Black River, NY. It took me 13 hours usually alot less, but she was my best friend. I buried her on Sunday the 23rd with a pick I chisled through the icy ground for 3 hours and finally I made it, I prayed to God to let me bury my friend and he made it possible, he protected me on the trip and gave me the stamina to endure the cold and make it thru the ice to put my best friend to rest. I have never hurt so much before then, I don't know how I'll ever make it through my parents being gone, I am so much dreading the thought of that!

Farewell my best friend, I'll come and visit when I can until then, chase that ball, maybe my brother will throw a few for ya!

May you be blessed with 15 years like I was!

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Dear Earl, please accept my deepest sympathy. I've been through that scene, my darling was only 4 yrs old when she ran a high temp one night we rushed her to the vet he gave her a shot we took her home and she was gone by morning. That was 16 yrs ago and I still have tears in my eyes thinking about her. We buried her on a hill at our farm. Her grave is marked with a stone that has her name Tenja ingraved on it. Try as I do, to remember the happy times you enjoyed with your friend. MG


Earl, your story brought tears to my eyes. I'm so, so, sorry you had to bury your best friend. It sounds like you had a wonderful bond and that your pup brought you many years of joy. I had to put my sweet baby to sleep 3 years ago, so I know some of your pain. (((hugs))).

Kay, I'm glad Elliott came through with flying colors! I wonder why some vets keep their pets over night and some don't. Scout didn't have any problems being spayed, but Finch, I feel, should have been kept over night because of her pain.


Thanks, I can't but help but remember the good times and bad ones..........

Here's a good one!

I used to take her to work with me when conditions permitted, safety and temperature.....

Well I was on a church remodel job and we were all taking break and I had Baby sitting there with me at break 9 or so in the a.m. and for some reason, (I got her as a stray at a bout a year old the vet told me at the time)...Baby didn't care much for people of dark pigment....well

Needless to say the guy that approached, a laborer, asked me if I had a cigarette and I replied no and he'd better watch out for my dog and he just rolled his eyes.....this guy was my guess mid 50's with a straw hat, not a hard hat...a straw hat.....just to give you an idea. Well the guys were watching and I said "get em' baby!" that 12 lb dog, literally had that guy dancing a jig you would have just laughed your butt off at! Screaming .....get the dog off of me man....get the dog off me man....what a sight to see a grown man dancing in fear of a 12 lb dog with half its teeth gone! If I had it on film I'd have won some money with that one no doubt in my mind. Well I'd never sicked her on anyone, but she knew what I meant somehow and got on him with a passion making him dance in circles...too funny and cruel on my part for I didn't know she would have scared the poor fellow so bad. Well I panicked about 10 seconds into this thinking he would kick her and hurt her so I jumped up with that thought and rescued my dog before he got the thought of kicking at her. Thank goodness my bad sense of humor didn't cause her harm, but that was probably one of my most memorable moments at work so far, next to the one where I fell off the scaffolding and the guys taking a break held up a sign with numbers like 9, 10, 8, 10....like an olympic score....that made the hurt go away with a little laughing. I sure wish I had one more day with my buddy, but I don't. She loved me when I was mad at her, no matter when or what, she was my Baby!


Earl, your love for Baby is so apparent. I'm so sorry for your loss. God bless you for taking her in and giving her such a wonderful life! Take comfort in that!

Kayharley, I'm glad that Helliot (I'm still chuckling at that one!) came through ok. I know your girls are having the time of their lives! I worried so much each time I had my babies fixed. I thought the time couldn't pass any slower!



Earl, I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you've been through alot and my heart goes out to you. You might want to post under cairn forum, there is a forum "In Memoriam" that you might want to post about Baby so others can read about her. I can tell you are still greiving and my heart goes out to you. I know all too well the pain of losing a furry friend. Another place you can find comfort is at ivillage.com under pets, look for pet bereavement.

Kayharley, I'm glad Elliot is doing good and understand how much you miss him. Having three myself, I understand how imcomplete the family feels when one is missing. I think it's something about the baby. Hannah, like Elliot is the baby. I know Kiara & Abbey love her but also know that they both have no problem playing together at times like she doesn't exist.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


Earl, I am so very sorry for the loss of your best friend Baby. I remember all too well the pain when my Cairn Ginger had a stroke at the age of 14 and I had to send her to the Rainbow Bridge. We never forget or get over these loved ones.

I hope that time will bring you peace of mind and peace of heart.


Earl, I also wish to express my condolences on the passing of your beloved pet/best friend. That horrible pain of losing someone you love does relent with time...(I speak from experience, my dad was killed while at work at the age of 52 by a reckless driver. I was 24 and my father meant the world to me) The memories of a loved one will be with you forever but the aching heart lightens with each day.

I remember a saying that went something like this....Not to waste a day in the present worrying about what may happen in the future.

I do the same thing you do...worry about something that I have no control over.

When the time is right and your grief lessens, think about another furry little friend who will benefit from your compassion and love. No one will ever take your baby's place but it sounds like your heart is big enough to love many.



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