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Had our own little "Super Bowl"!


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I had all the dogs outside with my daughter and me. Tucker found one of the boys' Nerf Footballs and was enjoying running around the yard while I chased him. Then I started kicking it. Rocky, our big Rottie/Retriever mix decided to join in. Pretty soon, I became the kicker, Rocky was the Receiver, Scruffy would tackle Rocky and make him fumble the ball, and Tucker was there to intercept it and run away with it. Dana, my dd was the referee and Mr. Kitty was the beligerent fan! It was quite a game! :P


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That sounds like so much fun. We've done similar only with soccer.

When Winnie was in her prime she was capable of stealing the ball from my son while he practiced in the yard. He played on his high school team and was quite good but no match for Win....she was quick, tough and very rugged. My son would get so mad at her and it was hilarious.

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Guest webstar

The football game sounded like fun. Molly enjoyed my GS's football yesterday she would grab it by the lace with her teeth and dare anyone to take it from her. MG

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It sounds like a good time was had by all! Scout and Finch LOVE pushing the soccer ball around, especially Finch. I kick the ball they always run after it. Finch will push it all around the yard with her nose, making funny noises the whole time. About two weeks ago I was outside with them kicking a frozen soccer ball...we just HAD to get out of the house....but now I'm going to the doctor because my foot STILL hurts from kicking the ball...sigh.

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Petey loves to push the soccer ball around too, we think he's training for goalie! :P

Here's a picture of him when we had ice in Georgia a couple of weeks ago.


(Been lurking for a while, but finally am figuring out how to post pictures!)

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Kerry, Bruschi looks a lot like Liddy did as a puppy...except that Lids is an Eagles fan :shy:

I love the pictures of these little Cairn jocks.

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