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Baaaaaad puppy!


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Boy, I don't know if it's something in the water or what! This past week, Tucker has just become a very naughty boy! NOrmally if I go somewhere, I can leave the two of them alone gated in the kitchen and diningroom. I am never gone more than four hours at a time, and they usually (I assume) nap and play with eachother. Well, it seems that Tucker has developed a taste for wood, particularly the wood in my diningroom windowsill. :nono: It's all chewed up and splintered, and full of little bitty teeth marks. Ugh!

The other night, he came in from his nighly potty run with horrible breath. Yep, he must've found some cat poop and made a meal of it. After I washed out his mouth and brushed his teeth, he kept burping up that horrible smell. :sick: Then he had diahrrea twice during the night in my kitchen. Ugh!

Finally, he has decided that their designated digging spot is no longer acceptable. He set his sights on the area around my fountain. He dug a HUGE hole there, and then was so proud of himself he had to show me. :twisted: He scratched at the door and came bolting in with mud all over his paws and face. Ugh!

I've come to a conclusion.......................................

He's definitely a cairn! :lol:

Gotta love em! :wub:



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I think one reason we put up w/ the bad behavior of cairns is because they're so darn cute. :wub: I was just noticing some teeth marks (again) on the walls in the kitchen. There is one area where the wall angles that Abbey chewed when she was a pup. I used spackling (sp?) to fill it once and painted it. I noticed some new teeth marks :mad: , guess I need to come up w/ something for the walls in the kitchen area. I crate the youngest ones when I'm gone, so these new teeth marks must have happened while I was home doing housework. Hannah started chewing right through a baby gate. I'm just glad they leave the cabinets alone.

There's never a dull moment w/ a cairn (or two or three :lol: ) in your house.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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It's so tough to get mad at these little ones. They are pure angel - and pure devil :devil: at the same time.

Scully, all of a sudden, wants EVERYBODY up in the morning once she wakes up. She gets up at 4:45 Mon-Fri. with my husband and I, and then would sleep on the family room couch until around 9'ish. It seems like since we went back to work after Christmas vacation, she barks and barks from the kitchen where she is gated in when I go up to take my shower. If you come down and let her out of the kitchen she makes a beeline for grandmom's room and just goes nuts in her room until grandmom gets out of bed.

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How old is Tucker? My Elliott has been positively horrible the past couple of weeks. Getting into everything, not a care in the world if I'm upset, bringing in frozen poop that I couldn't find to clean up (I think he buried it). He's 6 months and I should have named him Helliott. :devil:

But that adorable face gets to me every time.

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LOL at Helliot!! :lol: You know, Tucker just hit 6 mos. I hadn't thought about that, but he's at that age! I'm also chuckling at the frozen poopsicles. Here in south Louisiana, the poop never freezes. They get to eat it all nice and gooey! :sick:


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You know, Yoda was six months old when he discovered, much to my dismay, that he could stand under the kitchen chairs and eat the rungs on them! Lucky for me, I had already bought a new table for the kitchen, and the chairs we got have no rungs and the legs are made of metal! Now instead of the old stuff going to a new home, it goes to the dump.

It has to be the age, or the fact that they are boys.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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We just spent a HUGE chunk of change to completely renovate our one and only bathroom We had the 60 year old cast iron tub taken out and a big shower put in with grab bars and a seat, etc. for my elderly mom that we take care of.

Does she like it? Nope! Who does???? Scully! We can't keep her out of the shower. If we leave the doors slid open a little bit you'll see her walking around behind the glass doors. She thinks it's a huge drinking fountain. Go figure! :confused:

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Helliot......great name! Oh, I've been there.....I think our puppies were given "cuteness" in their mothers milk.....it's their only saving grace at times! LOl!

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you guys are scaring me! I just bought a brand new wooden table set. He hasn't even touched any furniture yet but...he's only been here for 2 weeks.

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Unfortunately Bitter Apple does not always work - when my pup was younger, he thought anything that had Bitter Apple on it was particularly tasty. Maybe he thought it was a condiment? :P

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We had a basset that had an injured foot once. The vet put a large bandage on it covering most the front leg. He thought that was quite tasty! The next day we were back at the vet for a new bandage. They suggested putting a sock over it, so we did. From then on, only one of those socks existed, he ate that and the bandage too! Back we went the next day. Hint of the day was tobasco sauce on the bandage...he won't touch it because of the heat of the tobasco they said. Well, that one lasted about 15mins! Seems he really liked tobasco sauce! I figured then if they want it, they will eat it! Good luck w/your new furniture!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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You guys are cracking me up. I did my homework when getting my cairns and I wouldn't have believed it, if I didn't see it. Every time I tell people about the mischief these guys can and will get into, they think I am nuts for getting the guys. They put a smile on my face so that's equal trade!!!

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