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Good dog Lassie (Ruffy)!


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At 14 and a bit arthritic, Ruffy is not very demonstrative these days so I was impressed - and concerned- when he woke me at 4 AM, trying to jump up onto my bed and staring straight into my (sleepy) eyes with his nose practically touching mine, while repeatedly nudging my arm with his paw. Clearly, this was an emergency, so I instantly hopped out of bed and attempted to at least get partially dressed to get him out as fast as I could. Just like Lassie, when Timmy was in the well, Ruffy kept dashing back and forth between the bedroom and the front door, whirling in circles for emphasis. We made it out to the street and his urgent mission was immediately accomplished. Phew! 

     I'm just so impressed (and grateful) for his ability to communicate, (right out of Central Casting)! Now that he's a senior, I find myself occaisionally remembering his young, rambunctious days when I thought he might never become civilized before I'd lost my mind... so I'm submitting this post as a tribute to, and an appreciation for all our cairns.

     Thanks Ruffy... Extra treats for you today!


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The paw...dad dad quick. Love it. 💕🐾🐾

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Ah, yes the nudge and "the stare"

Katie gives my husband Kirk "the nudge" if her dinner is delayed...

She will give us the "Evil Eye Stare" when she want to go out...

"she who must be obeyed!!!


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I love that little nudge.  Just a gentle, polite  reminder that the pup is there and would like something.  If it's a matter or going out or of asking to be lifted onto the bed, however, both of ours resorts to the "bark." Oban is polite -- just one bark unless we ignore that.  Angus speaks with a longer request.

We take both Oban and Angus out at around 10:30 each night for one last pee.  At 7 and 2, they seem to last through the night.  (At 71 and 77, neither Steve nor I do, however.)  

Good dog, Ruffy.  Good dog owner, Sanford! 

Edited by Kathryn
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