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Picture of Holly and Duffy


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Well, obviously I did not do this properly. Brad, Help. The picture is in my account in Photobucket, but I am getting confused again on how to transfer it to the Forum. Your able assistance would be most appreciated. Thanks!


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Is your photobucket album set to 'public'? I searched at PB for calami, duffy, and holly and while a lot of young ladies named Holly turned up, no Cairns or Bassets were in any public albums. That might be a place to start.

To display the image directly in a post (assuming its public) photobucket actually provides tags right under the picture as you view it. The provided tags include URL, Tag, and Img versions. Copy and paste the IMG version into your forum message. It will look something like this:


That's just some random image that had the keyword Holly attached to it. If the picture is really too big when you preview it in your post, link to it instead. To provide a link to the specific image, cut and paste the one under the picture at photobucket called URL.

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Brad, bless his heart, has given me directions and if this picture posts, then I know what I did wrong. Keeping my fingers crossed.


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Guest Darcy's mom

What a cute pair. The basset looks so mellow and the Cairn looks, well, like he's so full of mischief. I'll bet they are best of buddies. Aren't you the lucky one to have two such adorable babies? Yes, please keep the pics coming, practice makes perfect.

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I came back to the forum just to see if Holly and Duffy's picture was posted. :) They are both so precious looking. I always have liked Bassets. Your Duffy reminds me of my Hannah.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Yes, Duffy and Hannah do bear a striking resemblance to one another. He is rather on the small side for a male also. At 14 months, he only weighs 16 pounds, but that is 16 pounds of mischief and mayhem, but Miss Holly will keep him in line :D


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Wow Duffy is getting to be a big boy. :) I thought he and Bosco were about the same age and size, but Bosco at 15 1/2 months is only 13.5 pounds. Maybe my pup is too small? :confused:

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I guess a question that would pose to the Forum is "At what age is a Cairn considered an adult"? I know with some medium sized and most large breeds when the pup turns 1 year, they are considered an adult, yet we have Cairns over a year old and still refer to them as pups. Can anyone provide a fairly definitive answer? Thanks.


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Thanks for the wonderful picture, Mike! Those two look like they are best buds already!

I've heard that a Cairn is full grown at 18 months....at least they have a filled out body at 18 months. Scout is almost 3 and she weighs 15 pounds. Finch is quite a bit smaller, and she weighs 12 pounds. Finch will be 12 months on March 21.

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