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DD accidentally let Calli out . . .


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My son's bus pulls up and my daughter - so excited that her brother is home - opens the door . . . and let's Calli out!! (Luckily we are up on a hill). I am trying not to panic - I was afraid she was going to go flying down because she has a great desire to chase down that bus!! She usually goes out on the tie-out . . . I actually think she forgot - or didn't realize that she was FREE! She kept running to the "edge" - the last area she can reach on the tie-out - running back and forth in a semi-circle. Then she sat and WAITED for DS to walk up (as if she couldn't go anywhere) and then CAME INSIDE! Thank goodness . . . now that I know she is safe inside - it was the funniest thing! She completely missed an opportunity of freedom - she really didn't realize that she wasn't on the tie-out!

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Wow! I'm so glad she thought she was on her tie-out. You are very fortunate! :thumbsup: I'm sure you must have been shocked (and thankful) when you saw Calli sit down. :shock: I am so glad this has a happy ending.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Sounds like Calli has her own built in stakeout. Molly is loose sometimes and the things she tries to get at while tied don't seem so tempting to her when she is not tied. We have very little traffic during the week in the day time, so at those times I let her have a little freedom in the backyard as long as she behaves and I'm out there w/ her. She likes to play kickball w/ her soccer ball. We do have a lot of squirrels but there are so many trees in our yard that she can't chase them to far before they go up a tree. I do hope I'm never sorry that I give her that privilege. MG

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Brad, my DH and DS use to compain all the time about having to have Scout on the leash while she was in the front yard. I told them over and over to PLEASE not let her out of the house without a leash on. I found that same letter on the internet and copied it off. I had both of them read it at dinner one night and they never complained, or had her off the leash again!

My DH had the puppy, out in the front yard, without a leash the other day. I was horrified! I reminded him of the letter and he didn't say a word...leash had been on ever since.

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I bet you almost went numb when Calli got out!! I can't even imagine the fear. But, thank goodness she is safe inside again!! These babies sure are quick!!!! I'm glad everything worked out great!!


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I've always been paranoid of Murph getting loose too, because he's too fast for me to catch (well use to be. I can actually keep pace with him now that he's an old guy) and he's never had the best of recalls. But I have to say over the years, he's totally amazed me, with how he's behaved when he's gotten loose.

Relatives let him through the front door one day. I went charging out the door and he was already about 2 houses down the street. There was also a neighbor out washing their car a few houses down too. In a panic, I yelled out "YOU STOP!!!!". Both Murph and the neighbor made like statues. :) And then Murph turned and came trotting right back to me. Many attaboys! and dog treats for that.

Then while I was staying with my Mom for a few months, she didn't latch the gate securely while I was off at work and Murph was outside at the time. I pulled in the driveway after getting home from work and imagine my surprise to see Murph sitting on the wrong side of the gate. Just waiting patiently for somebody to let him back in. Gotta love him. :)



Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.

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I panicked when I read the title of the discussion and was afraid to click on it. I'm SO glad that everything turned out well. Okay, I can calm down now.

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I know the sick feeling you had in your stomach, Callismom, watching her run toward danger. I'm so glad that she didn't realize she was off leash!! And Brad, I do relate to the story you posted. I never, never trust my dogs completely. I'm so glad this story had a happy ending for Calli!


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