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Holly is finally with us


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Well, after over a month of waiting for her, Holly the Basset finally joined our family last Friday. She is four years old (not 2 1/2 like we thought) and just the sweetest thing imaginable. I had a lengthly conversation with her foster Mom when we picked her up and she told me that they surmise that Holly may have been used as a breeding dog as when she was spayed by the rescue Vet he guessed that she has had AT LEAST 1 litter, possibly more, but because of her length, her prenancies were probably difficult and it may have been recommended to whomever was breeding her that they not do so anymore. Her name is Holly because her foster mom got her on Christmas eve and not knowing her name, they named her Holly in honor of the holiday. So she was a little leary of Duffy at first and he thought she was just this big, long toy that walked around so he was constantly nipping at her and biting at her ears, etc., etc. She dealt with all of this pretty well then on Saturday night she had about all she could stand, so while he was terrorizing her (in front of us), she let out this immense growl, rolled him over on his back and pinned him very gently with her mouth until he stopped (sound familiar). Naturally Duffy was stunned and once she let go he looked at her and she at him as if to say, "ok Mister, I'm going to teach you how to behave like a little gentleman". Since then they play together, but once she has had enough as is tired, she lets out that growl and Duffy backs off and leaves her alone. It amazes me that this sweet Basset was able to accomplish in 30 seconds what we have not been able too. Duffy no longer bites and mouths us like he used to. He really is becoming a little gentleman. It's obvious now that he loves her as there has been some kisses on her snout from him. As soon as I can get my scanner working again I will post some pictures of the two of them together. They are becoming quite the pair!


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Welcome home, Holly!!!

Can't wait to see the pics, Mike!! Hurry up and get your scanner goin' again....hehe!!


Cathy and Piper

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Congratulations, Mike! Hmmm seems some guys are just as big as softies as we women are! It is so good to see great dogs go to loving homes! I would have loved to have seen Holly pin Duffy!! She sounds like a gentle giant. My new mantra is "there's always room for 1 more!"


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Welcome to our world Holly - and congrats, Mike on your new addition! I can't wait to see pictures of them together, it must be a hoot.

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