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Speaking of Cairn gas.........


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Is this a common thing? At first I thought it was just Tucker b/c Scruffy certainly doesn't have it. But I read more and more about these guys letting off silent bombs. Tucker is notorious for letting them go when he's napping. I tell you, I can't get to the air freshener fast enough! :sick: The only thing Tucker gets that Scruffy doesn't is his Omega 3 capsule. Could that be it?? :huh:



I don't think that the Omega 3 capsule is what is causing the "problem". Mine doesn't take any supplements and he is DEADLY when it comes to gas. :sick: Skeeter is just like yours...while he is taking a nap his digestive system is definitely not sleeping at all.


Baaad gas???

Yep!! Burns the hairs right outta my nose!! I actually gave Piper a Tums today!!!


Cathy and Piper


Yes, I say the same as Fiamma. Apollo got me good this morning when I was snuggling him before I left for work.




At least Elliott's is noisy....I have advance warning it's on its way :shock:

Guest webstar

LOL K, I wish Molly would warn me. I'm glad she don't do it to often. MG


mine gets hiccups every once in a while. No gas yet!


I notice that with Digby, if I give him anything other than his food he tends to have gas. I learned, the smelly way, that he and I are better off with him just eating the same food (canidae) and the same treats (Canidae Snaps) every day. Otherwise he gets gassy particularly when he sleeps, and I get sick.

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”



LOL...Scully seems to prefer being near grandmom when it's time for an "outlet." Invariably I'll hear my mom say, "Scully, why do you ALWAYS have to come over here and do that!" :D


Newcairn, the funny thing is that because Tucker is on a restricted diet for his allergies, he gets nothing but his Nutro Chicken & Oatmeal and his treats are the Nutro Rice & Chicken treats. That's it. I don't give him anything else. I think he's just a gassy kid! Ugh!! :sick:



Duffy has killer stink bombs too, always has, and now we have Holly the Basset who also has killer gas. Thank goodness we are a smoke free family as lighting a match around those two would be disastrous :D



"Guest" was me. Forgot to login. "oldtimers" disease is catching up!


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Rito has a lot of gas too, oh boy!!!


Scout and Finch rarely have gas, but when they do...watch out! It can make my eyes tear up! LOL!


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