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Harness and Growling Problem


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I have a 2 1/2 year old Cairn Terrier who absolutely hates wearing a harness. She cowers down and shakes all over and I know there is no way this harness is hurting her. I have tried wearing a collar on her but she practically chokes herself when she is pulling.

The other problem I have is if I try to move her while she is sleeping she growls, she does not like to be moved. I move her anyway but one of these times I am scared she is going to bite me.

Has anyone else out there had these problems and what have you done to rectify them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest webstar

Molly has growled at us like she would tear us apart if we pick her up when she sleeping but has yet to take a bite. We can pet her play with her feet or do anything to her when she is sleeping with no response except pick her up. She also does the big growl when anyone tries to take her off my lap or out of my arms. MG

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I have tried all types of harness and she seems to hate them all. My husband decided to put her collar back on her today and that she doesn't seem to mind nearly as much as the harness. I don't know, I guess I will just have to stick with the collar for now and see how it goes.

As for the growling, I can live with that as I rarely have to move her. She is for sure an indpendent little dog but I love her. :)

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Guest Darcy's mom


Funny you should ask about the growling. I posted several weeks ago because our little angel, Darcy, has started the growling when disturbed. And I don't mean just regular growling, it's vicious growling like if we tried to pick her up she will take our hand off. She does it to my husband mostly but also me and our other dog too. She just does not want to be bothered when she is comfortable or sleeping. I asked at that time if maybe having her spayed had anything to do with it. Apparently it does not. I don't know if it's just that she has realized she can do this and get away with it or her age (2 in March). As a puppy she never growled at us.

Can't help you with the harness as I use a leash on Darcy and haven't had any problems unless she sees a squirrel or another dog. I just pick her up and carry her until whatever has her attention has passed.


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We had the same problem with Scully when she was about 7 months old which is why we had a trainer come to the house. She would do that growling thing when we were trying to get her to do something she didn't want to. She never bit, just was ticked off. He had us get the Gentle Leader and we didn't use it too long but it worked like a charm. PetSmart or a store like that carries them.

Gentle Leader

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We often refer to Yoda as "Mr. Growly" he growls all the time. The most he growls is when you move him from his spot in the bed just like you said your dog does. It is amazing how a medium size dog can monopolize a king size bed. My husband and I are usually huddled together on a thin strip in order to give Yoda his room. He's never bitten me, my husband claims he snaps at him while getting a bath, but I think this is just an excuse to get me to do it. I like to think that Yoda is just very vocal and growling is just his way of communicating.

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Bosco gets growly if we are playing tug of war with him, and then try to tickle him at the same time. At first I thought he was irritated, but he actually likes it. And yes we are kinda mean to tickle him. :devil: He does get growly if we stop scratching his belly before he is ready, or if we cut his playtime short when he wants to run in the sunshine. :)

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Bruschi growls when he starts out walking. He only does it a couple of times then hes quiet. Its like he thinks he is going out on the prowl! He has a little growly voice when playing with his toys too sometimes. At first I was getting nervous when he would do it because my last dog was aggressive and was a biter (basset hound) and now I watch every thing Bruschi does because I am afraid of having a problem. I keep reminding myself everything he is doing is normal puppy behavior. I am looking forward to obedience training though! I was thinking of a harness for him too since he pulls the collar, but I figured I would hold off until puppy class and see how he does.

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Guest webstar

DH and I have twin beds, Molly's bed (a baby basket) is between the beds. When we go to bed if I lay on my back Molly lays on me and will sleep there all night as long as I don't move. Well last night I lay on my side so she jumped in her basket. At 3.30 this morning I got up and went to the bathroom, when I got back in bed I layed on my back Molly picked her head up saw me on my back she jumped in bed and settled on me as fast as a cairn can an went back to sleep. Have you ever seen a dog that can curl up to sleep as fast as a cairn can? Most dog circle a half dozen times to get comfortable enough to lay down. MG

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Well I know how difficult the growls can be. I use a harness on Rebel when I walk him and he is so much better when walking except when another dog comes around. He acts so ugly and trys to intimated the other dogs with his bark. When I read your post I wondered if it is the harness that causes him to be so rude.

It may be that he doesn't get much park walking time during the winter. I think I will have to walk him more often or it is back to training classes. He is very socialable in the dog park but on a leash he is RUDE and barks so much. Makes me not want to take him but I will win this one and he will learn (I hope)


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I have never experienced a growl yet....I am afraid to say if I did, I would have little tolerance for it. I think if a dog growls at you, somewhere along the line they have grown to understand they can do this and get away with it. I wouldn't tolerate any serious growling as harmless as it may seem. I also wouldn't wake a sleeping dog if I didn't have to-but there are times it is called for. Digby is generally a good sport about putting up with me when I have to bother him (rarely), and I try to return the respect-especially since these dogs can be nettlesome little critters.

He is nine months old though, so who knows what the future holds now that he is coming into adolescence.

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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