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A great new bone.....


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I am always in the hunt for good, safe bones for my two :halo: . Nothing that splinters and keeps them entertained for more than 10 minutes!! While at the pet store last week, ran across a bone called N-Bone. Never heard of it before. I decided to let the dogs try them.

What a hit!!! Kept them busy much longer than a 6 inch bully stick. But, the bad news....they are pricey as are the bullies.

Not sure if it is ok to post a link to where I found them online to order from??? Maybe do a 'google' search as I did and compare prices.


Cathy and Piper

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I've also bought a few of those thinking I could preoccupy Enya with them. I got a two pack (of their smallest) with flavors and the one especially for puppies. You think she even paid them any attention? Nope -

Enya's Mommy


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Post a link for it if you can. I dont think I've seen those locally yet, but I would love to try them. It doesn't matter that there are several bones around our house, there is always one "prized" bone they all three fight over. It is so common when I go to bed I'll feel my foot kick something and there is a bone one of the boy's has hidden under the covers from the rest.

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I just did a search for them....are the ones you're talking about edible? What I found was that they are pretty strong but eventually edible. They also contain wheat as a primary ingredient....just a thought for those Cairns who have skin problems that wheat can aggrevate.

I'll check out my local Petco (home away from home) Thanks for the tip

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Thanks, Brad. Just wanted to make sure it was 'ok' to post a link. Didn't wanna do something wrong....

Kay...you might be right with the ingredients....but my dog had no problems with them. Yes, they are edible but took a long time for them to 'break down'.

Here's the link...we bought the 'large' size to make them last....



Cathy and Piper

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Guest webstar

Leg bones from the grocery store keep Molly happy. Dh saws them to about 4 inch lengths, I boil them and put them in the freezer. She gets a fresh one every week. I find them cheaper then the pet store variety and she likes them better. MG

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webstar, really, one every week? I do the same thing, every night to keep them busy (I was complaining in the other forum) and within ten minutes they are done with them. Chommped the goodies down to nothing, so all that is left is a bare bone. On the other page I found out what bully sticks are (really sounds disgusting) but I might try them. Someone said they got them cheap on ebay, but there are so many I don't know what to choose from. Are they all on the up and up? Is there a low odor one (why do they stink that much!!!) Will they or anything else keep these two busy longer than 15 minutes?

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Guest webstar

Molly will chew on the bare bone when she feels the need to chew on something. She has never chewed a shoe or slipper, she plays with her toys without tearing them apart. I sometimes wonder if she is a true cairn terror after i read some of the posts in the forum. lol MG

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Cathy, thanks for the N-Bone website. The price sounds reasonable - especially if they last longer. And it looks like there is a wheat-free choice.


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I got Cooper one of those a couple months ago....he must have really liked it because it was gone w/in two hours!!! But then, once he gets a new chew item, he likes to chew and chew and chew some more.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Pat.....my youngest Cairn is a chew, chew, chewer, too! Thankfully, all he likes to chew are his toys :wub: .

I never seem to have enough bones......


Cathy and Piper

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I could not find the N-Bone, but I found "Gnawlers". My dogs have been working on them for 3 days. They are made by TLC. Ingredients are: natural vegetabke starches, rawhide granules, soya lechitin, potassium sorbate and assorted flavors. 100 % digestible. Made in China - The Leathercraft Company, http://www.leathercraft.com/catalog_productlist.cfm?catid=3

I bought the 8" peanut butter - big hit!


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