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well I brought Bruschi home!

Guest posting as: kerry

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Guest posting as: kerry

I got the cairn...couldn't decide over a pug, cairn, or shitzu. I just couldn't get this sweet cairn face out of my head! I will figure out how to post pics. he is 11 weeks old. he slept well 1st night. no accidents in crate. blizzard conditions here in new england and we are attempting to housebreak???? he's going out there but its COLD!! We named him Bruschi for tedy bruschi of the patriots.


Welcome Bruschi! I think you made the right choice of breeds. :thumbsup: Hope to see you here often. I wish you lots of luck housebreaking, but sure you'll do fine. I still have one cairn that refuses to go out even if it has rained. :mad:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


he is doing well. 1st night he slept 12-3 am then out and went back to bed until 7. last night he slept 11 :30 to 6 am! no accidents in the crate. I was amazed how good he went to bed for us with no whimpering or barking. I hope it lasts!



Welcome! I love the name Bruschi! You will

have to get him a little Patriots shirt. :D

Go Pats!!!!!



Welcome to the Cairn Family Bruschi!

You will be so happy with your new addition and I wish you many happy, healthy years ahead!


OK Bruschi, here's the plan: Your people come see the Patriots play in the Superbowl in Jacksonville and you come stay with us. We'll show you a really good time doing all the things we're not allowed to do, but with company our Karen won't yell. We have a fenced yard so we'll teach you how to get the vermin squirrels. Maybe Karen will even give us some special treats since company is coming! Whadda ya say??

AnnieK and Sofia

Guest posting as: kerry

what a riot! My people are too broke now after buying me to go pay for any trips!!


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