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I am 3 yrs old today

Sam I Am

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At last I can leave my reading glasses out on the table and you won’t crunch them ....4 pairs Sam, 4 pairs. You are all grown up.......I miss the puppy days....no I don’t! 😱😘



Edited by Sam I Am
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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Happy birthday, Sam.  You have grown into quite a handsome cairn.  Stay away from those reading glasses and you are sure to get some birthday treats.

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three's a big milestone for a cairn. soon you can drive, vote, have your own credit card. and be your mommy's best friend. 

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Happy Birthday (still baby) Sam!   All my Cairns are babies forever.  Bless you for (not) giving your humans' things a break!  :)


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Max and Nelly

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