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Rito Is Home!


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I just got an email from Rito's Mommy. Last time I spoke to her on the phone she had been in contact with the headquarters for the pet store. She determined that Rito was still in the store, albeit in the back of the store, and had just been re-tested. If he was healthy they were going to give him back to her.

Her email said he came home last night and he recognized her. Here is his picture.


Edited part:

I'm sorry Rito's Mom, I got so excited when I read your email I came in and started this topic - I didn't realize you had already posted. DUH! I'm sorry!


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I think the good news from that thread deserves multiple posts. (sorry Brad, I'm just excited over Rito and so glad the little guy is back with his loved ones)

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Before becoming a member of this forum I was reading the sad story of Rito. I'm so glad that there is a happy ending to this ordeal after all.

Welcome back home Rito!

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I already posted on the other thread but I'm posting here as well because Rito deserves such a big warm welcome home. His picture is so adorable. :wub: Keep posting more pictures of him and giving us updates.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Rito deserves at least two posts :D

Thanks for the pic! I think he is one

of the cutest pups I have ever seen!

I just want to kiss and hug him!


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Hi everybody!!

Thanks so much for all the warm wishes.

Rito went for a check up today. They retested his liver and kidney functions and he is doing great!!! He got a shot and his nails clipped. He is doing so well, we just have to work on getting him not to bite us when he wants to play. I am amazed how well he is behaving considering he hasnt had a home for so long.

I just wanted to keep you guys posted. You have helped me so much...and i believe he is back home because your prayers along with mines have been answered. I am amazed to see how healthy he is now, taking in account that when i brought him back to the store i thought he wasnt going to make it.

Joanne, thanks for staring this new thread and thanks for posting his picture.

Im trying to post one of his pics now, if it comes up, this picture is of when he got sick.

Take care.

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I am SO happy that Rito is home with you all! Send me his picture the way you did the other one and I will be happy to post it for you, okay?

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He is beautiful!! I am so glad this story has a happy ending!!! I'm sure Rito and his family will have many happy fun filled years together!! Enjoy!!


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Guest Darcy's mom

Welcome Home Rito!!! So glad he is now well and truly loved. You know, maybe your love and our well wishes and prayers helped. I know if ever there was a little pup who needed love and prayers it was him. Love can work miracles. Good luck to you and Rito and post those pics as he grows. He's a real handsome fella.


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Rito sure looks happy! :) I'm so glad he's doing good healthwise and hope his little mind can forget his bad experience back at the pet store. I bet now you're starting to feel like he's never been gone.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Look at that little guy having fun!!!! If he's anything like Scully in the snow you can't get him inside.

I can't tell you how happy I am for you, Maria!

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I just keep getting choked up when I see his beautiful face! I can't help but think that despite the fact that you had to go through so much with him, I wonder if someone else wouldn't have given up on him? We sometimes don't understand why things happen (and I speak from personal experience) but then suddenly it all becomes clear. You, Maria, were meant to be Rito's mom, because God knew that you would fight for him like no one else. Here I go crying again! I must be hormonal!!


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I am so sure that our prayers brought our Rito back...

I am glad i never gave up on him, even when i wasnt sure about how he was doing, and that was all the time, i still prayed for him and thought about him.

Thanks for all the nice things you are saying, I m sorry i didnt post in a month, but i couldnt stand to talk about him when i didnt know how he was doing.

We are so happy to have him back. It feels like he never left.

Thanks again and i will keep on posting pictures if it is ok with everybody.

Thanks Joanne for everything...

Take care,


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There's nothing to thank me for, my friend, nothing at all!

My heart just broke everytime I thought of him. I believe like Thela said, that everything happens for a reason. I'm so glad you found your way to this wonderful group of people and especially that Rito came back to your home to be loved so much.

Thela, may I join you in a group cry???


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The thing about having a puppy and a toddler is that they both are babies and they both want the same toys and things at the same time. I was in our bedroom and i heard my daughter cry, when i went to the living room I realized the reason why she was crying was because Rito had taken her pacifier!!! I had to get that picture....here it is.... :lol:


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