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Update on my best friend Gus, 14 years old on May 18th.

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Some may remember when Gus first adopted our hearts almost 14 years ago. Also, you might possibly remember his feline buddy Merlin an American Shorthair cat, they were quite the pair.


Sadly Merlin developed bone cancer and had to leave us. Gus wandered around for weeks looking for his pal, so sad.

We decided maybe a new cat was needed so we got another American Short hair we named Pugsley.


Time has passed and Gus still loves his crate we leave open at the foot of the bed for him to sleep in...or not. This morning I got up and when I looked at Gus's crate I see this.


You fine folks were right when you told me time would cure Gus's sadness, it did. With the help of a new furry friend. I'm not sure if it's the breed of cat or something in Gus that say's "hey, lets be friends". Whatever it is it's a beautiful thing.

Sorry if I hogged to much band width, if I did let me know and I'll delete it.

Edited by montdoug
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Have you hugged your Cairn today?


Yes, it is such a beautiful thing!

Thank you for sharing. Brought happy tears.

Enjoy that special bonding.



Ah Gus! We all need a little extra warmth as we get into old age...adorable...

Sometimes it is hard to encourage a cairn to even like another cairn -- so I am impressed, and have been since you showed us this years ago, that Gus is one of those peacemakers who can make friends.  In that first picture, you can see the frustration on Merlin's face though! He was just as tolerant as Gus apparently, if not more so.

So glad that Gus has a new friend.  Those shorthairs are beautiful cats, by the way.  I love their coloring...


So sweet! 🥰

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



two beautiful animals with a perfect relationship

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