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We are supposed to get between 18 and 24 inches between this afternoon and Sunday evening! And then with the drifting . . . I can't wait to see Calli's reaction! So far this year she just LOVES the snow! Let's see how much!!!

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Oh, my! I can't imagine that much snow! We had a wheaten Cairn that loved snow. Peebles would "hop" through the snow and you only saw her when she was on the top of her "hop". LOL! Good luck and take lots of pictures!

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Our snow just started about an hour ago and we're headed for 12" or more. That's a lot for the city of Philadelphia. Scully will be in pig heaven - and she does the "bunny hop" too!!!!! My other Cairn didn't do that. This one sticks her whole face in the snow and rummages around.

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Greetings ,Glad to hear other pups out there having a blast_

we received another 8 inches last night, as I speak there is an accumulative 24 inches ; Charlie and Winston have been outside playing, rolling around having a blast, yet this morning with our new 8 inches, they want nothing to do with it.

My husband took them outside while he was shoveling , and Charlie tried to bop around ,of course he sunk and couldn't bop back up, he did not like that at all , They sat by the door most of the time ,I must say it is hysterical watching them in the snow!

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Here we are enjoying the great outdoors. Apollo likes hopping around in the snow but basically lets me lead the way.




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:crybaby: I want snow too! :crybaby: My dh is from Wisconsin and I'm from Michigan and I'm still down here in Florida. As much as I do love living on the beach, I would love to have a 2nd home in the north and hope to someday.

Appolo, I LOVE that picture! For all of you getting snow, please post some pictures here for me to enjoy or feel free to email me pictures. We've had snow here in the panhandle years ago and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it happens again. I know my oldest cairn, Kiara would be absolutely thrilled to plow through deep snow playing the mighty hunter.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I have after playing in the snow pics (I forgot to bring the camera outside).

Her daddy wrapped her in his Woolrich blanket while they watched MASH DVDs...LOL! She got bored and fell asleep.


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We just got in from another trip to the great outdoors. Wish I had video to share with you all of Apollo diving head first into a drift. We were laughing and he is having a blast.




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And we're in for a good amount of snow here in the northwest hills of Connecticut too. Elliott adores playing in it but with the temps hovering around 10 degrees, I just can't bring myself to join in. I do watch, laugh and crank up the fireplace so he can come in and thaw.

It's not new to my girls though as they remember trying to do business in a blizzard when the snow was over their "business making parts". :shock:

Toomanypaws, you are welcome to pack up the girls and come on up for a Cairn snowfest. :party:

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Guest Deborah

My Cairns LOVE the snow. My male thinks he is a snowplow. He buries his head in the snow and pushes through. My female romps like she is a puppy. But they really like it when we bring them in and wrap them in fluffy towels to warm them up

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Does eating snow harm the pups in any way? Also, when my pup goes out into the cold, he sneezes a couple of times. Does this mean he is getting a cold, or are the pups like us, just reacting to a change in weather?

Thanks. :)

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Kayharley, A snowfest would be great! I told my dh and he laughed at the thought of 6 cairns together. You'd love my cairn girls, especially Abbey and Hannah. I'm not sure how long you could put up w/ Kiara being "alpha dog" to your three. I'm afraid she'd ruin the party and my welcome. :( Thanks anyways.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Notice the missing bootie....and I thought it was hard putting winter clothes on my kids!!


Just making sure no birds or critters are out there...my older one is smart, she's lying in front of a warm fire.


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Great pics! We got about a foot of snow, which is tons

in NYC. Grilly is used to the snow, being a Maine/NH dog,

but city snow is so different. I was in hysterics putting on

the booties (for the salt..not the snow) He walked so funny..

then he got used to them. We were able to find some drifts and

he "hopped" around for quite awhile. He looks like a little bunny!

I swear he grins from ear to ear. I forgot the camera! :(

Trying to get the dh to go back out with me to get some shots,

but his Eagles are playing....so I doubt it will happen. Enjoy the

snow everybody. Toomanypaws, we will romp in some snowbanks

for you! :D

Ellie and a snow covered, exhausted, happy Grilly!

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Kay, great pictures of your SnowCairns! When we lived in Ohio my girls enjoyed the snow, but I sure don't miss it! It was 78 today here in Jax.


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