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Finally! His ears are up!


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I was worried that it wouldn't happen, but Corky's ears have finally gone up, it looks like to stay! yea! :D

I noticed yesterday that the little flip over was gone, and on his 5 month old birthday, cool. lol

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Guest posting as: Darcys mom

How handsome he is!!! And the dignified look on his little face is just too cute. Give him a big hug for me will you? It really makes a difference when their ears go from floppy to straight up. I know you are proud of him.

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Corky says, "aw geeeeeezzzzzz!" over all of the compliments. ;)

He gets a lot of hugs and kisses for sure, but he won't mind me giving him a few more for you all.

He makes me smile every day with his antics. Of course there are times when he is a bit obnoxious, like when he won't come in and stands there staring at me like, "come and get me!" (in 5 degree weather) ... lol

He is just so loveable and comical that we tend to spoil him. He has 2 sisters, a scottie and a lab, and he hats it when I hug and kiss them . He gets between me and them and nips them trying to make them go away. Of course the scottie doesn't yield to him, she lets him know she is still his elder and has rank over him, the lab, well, she is so docile that she lets him walk all over her. (Literally.)

That red thing is his tag holder, but a bow tie would be a cute adornment. Maybe he'll get one. ;)


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