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Happy New Year 🥳

Sam I Am

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May 2020 bring each and everyone and their Cairns, health and  happiness  and may you have  fond loving memories of critters gone but never forgotten.💕



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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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  • bradl changed the title to Happy New Year 🥳

Oban, Angus, Steve and I also wish all a Happy New Year.

The dogs are still trolling the floors looking for crumbs dropped by guests at last night's open house.

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Ruffy's idea of a Happy New Year would be rats in the room for him and all his cairn pals on CairnTalk.

Hope all your New Year's wishes come true!:kiss:


The Cairn Terrier National Anthem:

RATS IN MY ROOM Tom Murray and Tony Burello, Vocal: Leona Anderson

I am bothered by those rats in my room; I would rather have some gnats in my room Instead of all those awful rats in my room. Rats in my room - Every day I have more rats in my room; Guess I'd better get some cats in my room So they can handle all those rats in my room. Geez, how I'd love to taste some cheese; I could accomplish that with ease, Except my cupboard's always empty and bare Because those dirty little rats have been there. Rats in my room - I can't face seeing all those rats in my room; I'm afraid that I'll go bats in my room Because of all those nasty rats in my room. Rats, rats, rats, rats!

(I would hum a few bars for you, but you can find better renditions on YouTube)!

Edited by sanford
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