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When I went to visit the lady I got Rebel from and learn about hand stripping I took Rebel with me to see if he would remember his Mother and Father after more than 2 years. He seemed to remember his Mother as a matter of fact she taught him some manners while we were there. He is so much larger than his Mom but that didn't matter she was the boss. I am not sure he remembered his father Roban but they sure do look alike.

BTW she hasn't stripped Roban's coat in a while because she is not showing him.



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


That is so sweet! When I adopted my pup, it was just him and his sister. I have always wondered if he would remember her if they ever met up again (though she used to bully him, so now that he is grown, he can fight back!) :)


What a great photo Liz! Is it with Rebel and his Mom or Dad? I wish that Duffy could see his Mom again and she could teach him some manners as we are sure having a great time trying :D Rebel sure looks like he is enjoying the reunion!



What a cute picture! They sure do look alot alike!


They look so HUMAN. You can almost make a cartoon out of that picture!


That's an adorable picture. I was wondering what he did that his mom taught him some manners. Maybe I need to let Scully visit her mom...LOL!


Yes, it gave me a warm feeling looking at it.

I've often wondered if it's an emotional thing for the mothers when the puppies leave them or are the mothers saying "Whew....I thought they'd never leave". :whistle:


That is Rebels father Roban the Red, his Mother Kate is much smaller. When he saw her he ran across the yard and jumped on her knocked her off her feet. She jumped up on all fours and growled and he laid on the ground and she fussed at him like she did when he bothered her when he was a puppy. He is so much bigger it was funny watching him with her she was the boss.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Thanks for sharing and I love your website! :)




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