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A mean man


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Wes usually likes going into Petco and usually behaves very well. Today, we were at the register when he started barking angrily. I turned to see what he was looking at.

In the doorway was a rather large man. So I put the dog down and made him face the opposite direction. The same man went on line behind us and Wes became hysterical again.

"If he bites me, I'll sue!" the man said. "I already sued someone whose dog grabbed onto my pants. He was a little like your dog, only white. Then there was the time I sued this man who had a cocker spaniel. Because of me, they had to get rid of the dog.

I looked at the guy's wife (or mother?). She was older than he was and there were scratches on her hands.

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How did you hold your tongue? I would have told him that he ought to go stand in a different line!!!

Poor Wes! Mean people like that shouldn't own pets!

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Hi Sally,

Unfortunately there are mean people everywhere and a great many of them just love to spread their venom wherever they go. Obviously there was something about this guy (his size maybe) that bothered Wes. His comments were totally inappropriate and rude and MY response back to him would probably have been "Sir, you have nothing to worry about as my dog only bites nice people". I also may have asked him what such an animal lover as himself was doing in Petco...........drumming up business maybe :devil:


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Wow! That must have been something! I like Mike's answer about only biting nice people. I'm one of those people that don't think of anything until way after something happens but I lose my voice when stuff happens.

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I think Mike hit closer to the truth than he knows. The way the guy was bragging about all the people he has sued, it wouldn't suprise me if he doesn't go to these places just looking for another opportunity to be a victim. The dogs obviously know a bad egg when they smell him.

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It sounds like Wes knew he was a mean man right away.

Our babies are so smart. Sorry you had to run into him.

I am like Scully's Mom...I would have thought of a great response....

when I got home!? :confused:

Ellie ~~ Grilly's mom

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Yeah. I felt too bad to respond at the time. Sometimes our pups are like Geiger Counters.

They read people better than we do.

Thanks for your responses, guys. Sure makes me feel better.

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Well you were probably best to ignore someone so rude and ugly. Think of what a lonely person he is and blessed our lifes are!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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How DID you keep from saying something back to him? There's a word for people like that....idiots!

A couple weeks ago I was in Petco (alone, no dogs with me) and there was this guy who had a horribly aggressive, large ugly dog with him. The beast was pulling at his lead and barking non-stop while his owner (equally ugly) starts making comments about a lady in the store who was carrying her toy dog in her arms. He's telling his dog how he could have that dog for lunch and other very nasty things. And he's loud and obnoxious about it....not done with any humor at all. The lady held her little dog a bit closer to her and looked very intimidated.

A girl who was working at the register witnesses all of this, discreetly calls for the manager and after several words, he boots him out of the store. It was so cool!! :thumbsup:

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That sounds like a horrible person. I love taking my pup to Petco or Petsmart but I never know what to do when we encounter an aggressive larger dog. My pup never backs down, and often starts the barking first :shy: , and often the owners of the much larger dogs start giving us dirty looks wondering why our pup has to bark. :(

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Okay, first of all, why would you go to Petco if you are a pet hater? Secondly, if he has been bitten by that many dogs I think he is doing something to them to provoke it. It must be so true that dogs can sense good people from bad people if your dog started barking at him as soon as he entered the store. We can only hope he tripped on a curb on the way out the door-okay I know that was a mean thought-but you get my drift.

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