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A strange topic - mosquitoes


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I know we are in the midst of cold weather (at least for many of us) but I had a question about mosquitoes. In NY, there is a problem with mosquitoes in some of the suburban areas like the one my parents (and my pup) live in. I have heard that you can spray pesticide around the outdoor areas, but isn't that useless since the mosquitoes would just come from your neighbors' backyard if they haven't sprayed? And wouldn't that be poisonous for the pup?

The reason I am asking this is because my parents are thinking of enclosing the backyard with gates so the pup can run around. We live in one of the boroughs and our yard is very very small, but we thought even a small run area would be nice. But last summer the mosquitoes were so rampant that being outside for 20 minutes meant at least 20 bites for us (none that we noticed on the pup thank goodness). :(

We want the pup to have a place to exercise off leash, but we don't want him bitten by so many mosquitoes.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions (and thank you for your patience with this strange question). :)

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Thanks for the reply. Not sure about the screening - we were going to have the backyard enclosed with gates (currently it is not gated, so our pup cannot run off leash), not sure how we would screen unless we build an addition (and the area is too small for that).

Unfortunately the mosquitoes in NY come out early morning and stay through the evening - no way to avoid them. :(

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Milo, I guess we would have wood stakes around the area and attach screening to them. Don't mind us- I hope our neighbors don't. The outside of our home may look like sanford & son's domain. We have a tentlike material over our enclosed area as a protection against hawks.

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No direct experience, but I've heard that Mosquito Magnets actually work. I believe they emit carbon dioxide or similar that attracts mosquitos in much the same way that they are attracted to us (and presumably Milo). I've wanted one of these things for a few years but we are actually blessed with not a lot of mosquitoes (so far, fingers crossed) and they are pretty expensive.

If Milo is on heartgard or similiar, and isn't bothered by mosquitoes, I might just watch him from inside :P

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The worst thing about mosquitos is that their bite can cause heartworm in a dog (I hope I'm right about that....ticks carry Lyme and mosquitos carry heartworm?)

We have woods behind our house and mosquitos are nasty especially in the evening. I use Frontline on my dogs for the fleas and ticks and Heartguard just in case they get bit by a "carrying" mosquito.

To be honest, I don't ever remember Winnie, who's now 11, getting any mosquito bites or scratching from a bite. And last year Madison was with us and the same thing with her.

Now us humans...ugh! I'll burn citronella candles and use OFF only if absolutely necessary.

I wouldn't worry too much about the bugs but ask your vet about a blood test to make sure your pup doesn't have heartworm. When it comes back negative you can start him on the preventative medicine.

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For some reason I really got bit last year and my legs still have scars on them from the mosquitos. Scully would be outside with us and she didn't seem to have any problem.

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Thanks for the advice. :) My pup has been on Interceptor and Frontline Plus since he was 4 months old, and I am continuing him on the medicines even during the cold months. I just didn't want the poor pup to deal with itchy bites.

BTW - my pup is named Bosco after the chocolate syrup, not Milo - long story about my nickname! :P

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Well he was pretty Bosco-like when we first brought him home, but with the chameleon like colour changes that the cairns are prone to have, he is now a light Bosco with darker points. :P

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