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My morning scare

Sam I Am

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I have dreaded the moment if and when Sam slipped our hold on his leash. It happened this morning when my DH and I were exchanging who was walking which dog. Sam happily trotted away, leash trailing, both of us  in shock ...when suddenly he turned around and trotted right back to me!  I don’t think I have ever hugged him tighter! Sam reacts to any kind of strong emotion I feel and utter...be it tears, shock or utterance by always running up to me to check things out. It really amazes me how intuitive he is to my unspoken and spoken emotions. Is this a common Cairn trait? A terrier trait? 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Not sure really. It doesn't seem *uncommon* but some seem more attuned than others — or at least more demonstrative about it. I don't think much gets past these dogs even if they don't acknowledge it. 

I'll probably be excoriated for it but my sense (or at least my experience) is that on *average* the boys are more likely to be demonstrative and solicitous in this way. Not to say the girls don't have a strong presence and pack sensibility. 🤷‍♂️

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i have always felt that cairn connection to humans is uncommonly intuitive and intinmate --but after a certain vintage. sam seems to be precocious. absolutely lovely.

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Brad I wonder if male dogs have an inborn instinct to react to what they perceive is trouble in the pack where perhaps females are more on protecting of what’s important to them personally...theirs pups.?  It’s also interesting to watch Sam and Rosie *work* together in the back yard when they feel an intruder is encroaching on their property (next door neighbours dogs running the fence line), other wise they tend to ignore each other.


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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SO glad Sam came back to you!

Regarding Brad's comment:  I've only had female Cairns and can attest to the fact that - although they are sweet, loving and attentive - they don't give a hoot about me when they suddenly have a) freedom, and b) something that needs to be chased.


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I've had boy dogs and girl dogs of different breeds. The boys are my favorites I must admit. Naughtier often but emotionally closer. Girls want to keep order and be the boss.

But boy or girl' uprights are forgotten when chasing needs to happen. In that case returning to owner might just be a question  'why is my leash trailing. Unclip it please'!

No matter what - thankful Sam came back so quickly.


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