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Katie and the New Chair or View from the Top


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Where there is a will there is a Cairn...

Recently, we replaced a living room chair. After months of searching and researching, we chose a stressless type recliner for my achy back. Unfortunately it replaced a much loved and frequented upholstered club chair that Katie (and the Westies before her) would “perch” on the top back. From that lofty position they could view out the French doors to the outside deck and to the beach path below where folks and pups walked.

The “new” chair swivels. After a couple of weeks, Katie discovered that if the chair was swiveled outwards to the French door, she had her view of the world again. Happy Cairn.

Hmmm… probably a good idea to find a slipcover and what do I find? A slipcover with paw prints!!!


You know you're a Cairn Terrier lover when...

new chair cover2019.jpg

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Well, we already knew that Katie and Oban got along.  The best cairn minds do think alike..

Oban likes the top of my new chaise (just purchased last June) as a perch to watch the dog-walking outside. If I try to lie down on it to read, he's on my head...

PS - this was just taken last week.  It was still snowing here then...


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We moved the chair by the window for pole weaves training, turns out Winston is a big fan of the new location.


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