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Our New Little Boy - Angus


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Hi All, thought I'd finally quit lurking and introduce myself and our new little guy. My name is Donna (husband George) and we are from Vancouver, BC. It will be a month on Friday that we got our little guy Angus. He will be 12 wks on Friday.

This is our first Cairn terror but we've had a Doberman as well as an English Bull terrier in the past. I want to say thanks to you all for the info you provide on these guys. This site was very helpful when it came to choosing a Cairn. Our bull terrier left a huge void in our lives and we were very wary about getting a different terrier. All I can say is, Angus is awesome and we love him to pieces.

I've noticed there a lot of new pups on the forum and am glad Angus seems to be very normal when it comes to biting hands, feet, pant legs, anything that moves, etc. Our first few days I wondered if we could send him back to the breeder :) But we've persevered, taught him to sit instead of attacking our feet and legs and he's getting to be such a good boy. We are amazed at how smart he is. He catches on very quickly and has adjusted to our routine very well. As he grows I'm sure I will have lots of questions but hopefully will be able to offer some advice as well.

My biggest concern right now is when do I pull his puppy coat out? I pull a few strands a couple of times a week just to see how easy they come out. He does seem a little itchy and from another post I'm wondering if his coat is ready to come out. When I do pull it out, does it all need to be taken out in one day or can I do it over a period of a few days?

Will post a pic. tomorrow. The one I have needs to be made smaller.

Take care, Donna & Angus

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Hi Donna and Angus,

Welcome to the Forum. I know that you will enjoy interacting with all of these wonderful folks and trading storie/experiences. I could not help but get a chuckle out of the opening line in the second paragraph "our Carin terror" :D . My little guy is 13 months old and he is still a terror but we love him regardless. Can't wait to see a picture of Angus (and love that name)!


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Guest posting as: Darcys mom

Welcome Angus, Donna and George. I don't have any idea what a bull terrier is but I have been owned by three Cairns in my lifetime and I can tell you, your life will never be the same. Just be on your toes at all times for the next, say. . .14-15 years. But they will be years that you would not trade for anything. They are very smart, very tricky (as in sneaky) and will eventually almost always get their way unless you put your foot down. But who can resist that cute little face?

I know you and George will love and cherish Angus as we loved (2) and love (1) our little girl, Darcy. Life will never be the same again because of Angus (I love the name). Please post pictures as soon as you can.

The folks on this forum are great so if you have any questions or need advice do not hesitate to post as they are invaluable sources of information.

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Welcome to Angus' Family!

There are terrific people here and you will get wonderful advice (except I have none about stripping the fur :huh:)

Our Scully is a female, 18 months old, and at the moment is in a true terriorist mood for the last two days. She's still wound up from my husband and I going back to work after being off for several weeks. She's into everything!

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Welcome Angus' family! I can't wait to see pics of him! Sorry I don't have any advice about when to start stripping their coat. I just remember that when they start looking like a yak with that part down the middle, I knew it was time! :confused: I'm sure if you use the search tool at the top of the page you'll find an abundance of information about stripping. Good luck! :thumbsup:



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