hallswel Posted January 5, 2005 Posted January 5, 2005 It has been nuts here in Georgia, before Christmas it was in the 20's and Rebel stayed under the covers Today it is 68 and we are outside with our frisbee He seems to love the cold better! But I play with him more when its warm. What does your doggie like cold or warm? Liz Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron
toomanypaws Posted January 5, 2005 Posted January 5, 2005 Cute pictures! I know what you mean about the warm weather. I'm in the FL panhandle and am getting tired of days in the mid 70's. I'm just so glad that our trip to N.C. was before this warm spell came in and we were able to have some snow. My oldest cairn could care less about what temperature it is outside. The other two seem to prefer the indoors when it's cold and love having an extra blanket to cover them at night. ****Here's wishing for some colder weather in the panhandle ******* <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" /> Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)
Eliz222 Posted January 5, 2005 Posted January 5, 2005 Great pictures of Rebel! We have had crazy weather here too. My two don't seem to care what the temp is, but Scout HATES the rain and has trouble just going to the grass to potty! It's been raining non stop here with more rain predicted! I take them on walks when it's not pouring outside, but we haven't been able to play in the yard due to all the puddles.
MikeC Posted January 5, 2005 Posted January 5, 2005 Rebel is a very handsome guy! We have been having pretty lousy weather here in the sunny (LOL) Bay Area of CA. Today it is pouring and in the 40's. Duffy however does not mind the rain, in fact, he loves to go out and bite at it and roll in the wet lawn. Nothing like towling down a soaked Cairn three to four times a day! MikeC
Carolinasmom Posted January 5, 2005 Posted January 5, 2005 CUTE pics! Today Denver is 9 degrees with several inches of snow on the ground and still falling! Carolina stays in when it's this cold, that's for sure. Right before Christmas we had the same weather and I took her out front with me while I shoveled. Within about 10 min. she was acting kind of goofy so I asked her if she wanted to go inside and she ran for the door! This is a dog who loves being outside with us so I know she was COLD! Yesterday it was just a bit warmer and on the way home from an errand, I stopped at the park with her so she could get her "park fix" without having to do our daily 30 min. walk.
Scully'sMom Posted January 5, 2005 Posted January 5, 2005 We've got the same goofy weather. It was freezing last week, then it was in the 60's, and now they're calling for sleet and freezing rain this afternoon. Scully wants to be out whether it's hot/cold, rain or sunshine. I put her out at 5:45 this morning when we got up and it was raining and she's just out there walking around taking in the world...LOL!
Logansmom Posted January 5, 2005 Posted January 5, 2005 I think I have Rebel's brother!! They look so much alike. How cute are those pictures. Weather is nuts here too. I have had the windows open to get fresh air. It was 68 Sunday and 65 Monday. Yesterday was a hair cooler but as long as I don't need a shovel or a coat, I am good to go. Logan doesn't care what it is as long as he can attack it and roll in it. He has had only one evening of snow and decided that he really liked it. If we get any this year I'm sure he will be even more of a devil to get inside Everyone stay dry, warm and safe.
Guest webstar Posted January 11, 2005 Posted January 11, 2005 Molly prefers heat, she likes to go out in the snow for five minutes then comes in and lays in front of the wood stove. She follows the sun on the floor from room to room for her naps and she likes to be covered up at night. Molly's Gram
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