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ode to a Cairn


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its been about 2 years since my best pal Buddy passed. Thought I would say hi to our Cairn community and pass along a poem Bud wrote himself. MUST BE READ WITH A SCOTTISH BROUGE ACCENT. 

Hear now...

Wherever there is danger there

you’ll find the Cairn Terrier

strong and brave, proud and true

and purest heart

runs through and through 







Edited by dcjsilver
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love to see that handsome Buddy!

an acquaintance of mine just lost her wonderful cairn Walter a couple days ago, aged 17. he was spunky little mop of a guy, i loved seeing him. cairns leave a deep mark. 

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Lovely boy. They certainly leave a mark on our hearts when they leave us.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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The one thing you always know when looking at a bundle of joy like that Handsome Laddie, his heart was pure and his devotion complete! I'm sure he is missed and fondly remembered.

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Have you hugged your Cairn today?

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