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...always an escape artist!


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I just caught up with the sad news of the loss of Montdoug's precious Kat, after she found a  hidden hole in the fence, and I sent my condolences to him.

Only yesterday, While walking Ruffy in an unfamiliar part of Central Park, we came across a large fenced-in area where dogs were playing off-leash. I questioned the uprights and was told that the fence was secure with no gaps, so I released Ruffy to enjoy himself and watched as he did perimeter patrol and within a few minutes he was outside, having found the one open gap in the fence, hidden behind tall grass! Luckily, Ruffy didn't spot any squirrels, or he would have taken off at top speed. I got him back and closed the gap and we went on our way with me ruefully thinking: "What might have been..."😟

Edited by sanford
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Proof that you can't be too careful with these little devils.  Relieved that everything turned out okay!

We have a small, fenced yard and I check regularly for any gaps at ground level.  Other critters (skunks, raccoons, etc.) sometimes dig so they can get into the yard and enjoy the pleasures of the bird feeder.  I have a supply of landscaping rocks (leftovers from a rock wall) that I use to shore it up when necessary.

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Oh Sanford those are  heart attack moments. So glad Ruffy stuck around. 

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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