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Where there’s a will there is a way

Sam I Am

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We have a large crab apple tree in our back yard, covered in thousands of small frozen crab apples. They are dropping off the tree all the time and both dogs have a real taste for them which is a problem as it can cause the runs (which  hasn’t   happened yet) but also the seeds and stems are poisonous. That’s my big concern. So until the snow and frost leave the ground and I can rake up the apples, we have put a frost fence across a quarter of our yard. Sam has been studying the fence and thinking of ways to enter the area...Rosie of course not as that would mean to much work. Within a few days Mr Cairn discovered how to push at the fence till it bends, making his way into the area. We now had to buy 2x4, and twist tie them to the bottom of the fence.  I wonder what he will try next time...it scary how that dog thinks😱

  • Haha 2

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Cairns are very smart and very determined. Whatever you try Sam will find a way around it. Perhaps there is something he can climb and get over that fence.

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