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Happy birthday, Oban!


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My sweet little boy is 5 years old! How can that be?  I picked him up from his breeder as a puppy the day after I retired in 2013.  Has it been that long? 

He is mellowing in some ways, becoming even more cuddly during our naps.  But he has become more fierce as well, watching out the window for squirrels and passing dogs, and telling all off loudly when he sees them.  Today -- just because it was his birthday, probably -- he caught sight of a rabbit in the yard at dawn, and proceeded to wake the whole house.

This morning he got an embarrassingly large portion of my bacon and eggs, and he will get a large portion of chicken along with his dinner.  Then we will all retire to the basement mancave to watch television, and he will get a long tummy rub.

Life is good when you are Oban!


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Happy birthday Oban..🍌🍗🍖🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳you are a beautiful boy. Keep up the good work...a Cairn can never relax when on guard duty.

Edited by Terrier lover

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Happy Birthday Oban!

We'll have a belated BD romp together when you visit next Spring.

Kathryn, could you also post a recent photo of Oban?

Love to compare ... 

Also, think that Katie and Oban have similar coloring...at least for today!


Katie_5mos_ Nov_2017 .jpg

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Dianne -- here is a photo of Oban from January this year (still has his holiday bandana on...).  His face and paws have5abf85e610009_Obanonthelookout.thumb.jpg.5befceff9264cddee1b445814084bf5b.jpgbecome progressively darker over time.

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So handsome!

Happy Easter! Happy Spring!

Katie is 10 months old tomorrow! 

Her ever changing coat is becoming lighter... lots of silver. Reminds me of Oban.

Tomorrow she starts "boot camp" / Beginning Obedience Class offered by our AKC kennel club. Since December she has been in small puppy classes with a gentle positive (treats) reinforcement trainer. I trained our Westies with this AKC trainer so know what to expect. It's a more regimented approach with more dogs and  no play time...Katie will be sooo disappointed!. Not sure about treats...

Katie now weighs 13.4lbs and has become a bit more settled in the last month.

Today she is enjoying the sunny warmth on our deck.

Hope all are enjoying this most beautiful day!




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Diane -- Oh how I wish Oban and I were basking in the sun on the Monterey Peninsula, or taking a walk on Carmel Beach!  Expecting 4-6 inches of snow today in Minnesota, and an equal amount tomorrow.  Apparently it will be the wet heavy stuff, so it won't look that deep on the lawn.  But that makes it even harder to shovel. Oban loves the light drifty snows but this kind, not so much...

Katie is a pretty girl.  Oban looks forward to meeting her.

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