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Winston & Ruffy


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This pic from members photo gallery, showing Winston the Trout Wizard (with his favorite brew?) inspired

me to show a  similar pose of Ruffy with his favorite toy. As you can see, Ruffy made an exploratory attempt

to chew the corner, but decided against it (after reading his name, I suppose)!😀

large.5aa2fea2c63e1_2018-03-0820_41_17.jpg.310a2ccc9ea89cf360fd324a075bae94.thumb.jpg.f8aa813997a4d0f01e68b1d9732979b2.jpg BEE88925-6EC9-44A4-AAB2-391CA849B370.thumb.JPG.0ce7865cdb535a78f5cdd84dee85b204.JPG 

Edited by sanford
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Sam would be drunk and full of potato chips.😜

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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that ruffy is such a handsome guy. he could be redmon's identical twin. 

never seen that brand. is it real or a toy made to look like a bag of potato chips (if the latter, great idea!)?

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7 hours ago, pkcrossley said:

never seen that brand. is it real or a toy made to look like a bag of potato chips (if the latter, great idea!)?

It's a stuffed toy from my local Petco a few years ago. As I've mentioned on this site before, I get the cheapest toys there in the half-price sale bin so Ruffy can enjoy de-stuffing and destroying them. But for some reason, this is the only one he's ever left intact, except for a nibble at the corner. I attribute his self-control to the fact that he obviously knows how to read!

Good boy, Ruffy!😄

Edited by sanford
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  • 1 year later...

Although I appreciate seeing this pic resurface after its first appearance here over a year ago, it does conjure up mixed feelings. At that time I reported that Ruffy had just been scalped by the groomer, even though I brought her photos of cairn terriers as a guide, I discovered later that she thought he was a Westie and as you can see, she shaved his back, so it looked like a carpet sample! 

As a consolation, grooming cost was refunded and I was given a free bag of the dog food of my choice... But sadly, Ruffy's coat has never been the same since.😪

Edited by sanford
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1 hour ago, pkcrossley said:

do westies get shaved like that? looks like schnauzer.

Westie? Schnauzer? Schwestie? Wauzer? Who knows? ...That was one very confused groomer!

1 hour ago, pkcrossley said:



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Ruffy is extremely handsome boy! I wonder given that I think he is a  Brindle Cairn, what colour his coat will change to as he grows older? My previous Cairn Jock went from a red brindle to a grey black brindle. He didn’t even look like the same dog.😎

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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