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Dougal's Strange Behavior


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Seems as if Dougal has found something to take up the slack time between playing and sleeping..  He quite enjoys watching television off and on all day.  Sometimes he just watches for several minutes, while other times he'll run up and bark at a picture that appear or a certain sound such as a news alert.  I'll also go to you tube and play Cairn videos for him as to give him a sense of having a buddy come over, but I think he prefers to be the only king of his castle, as that isn't he favorite type of shows....go figure.  He hid behind me one night while I was playing with him on the floor and wasn't paying attention to what was on TV.  All I can say is he doesn't like anything vampire....lol.  What a character.

You will notice in the last picture  that I have the green leather recliner in an upward position.  There is a reason.  Dougal loves any kind of crevice or hole to crawl into to over simplify.  I worry about forgetting where he is when he is out and someone sitting in it as it rocks as well so I  just put the chair up so he can't go under.  With the chair up he still goes in it, but you can see him sitting in there.

You probably notice a small white area on the bottom left corner of the chair itself.  In the position the chair is in it's shows at the top left.  That is white Gorilla tape to shield it from Dougal and his needle like fangs.  He also took a liking to the handle end.  However he got to that before I could protect it.  I did put vinegar on both spots, but apparently he likes the taste of vinegar.😁  Oh well, it's just a chair.

Oh and the small table and chairs and the jumpy baby thing are not Dougal's as we babysit our two wonderful granddaughters...one 5 and the other 9 months.  Dougal does play with the jumpy thing though as it gives him a good tug of war whenever he wants one.




Edited by Wacenturion
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On 3/17/2018 at 12:10 PM, Wacenturion said:

"You will notice in the last picture that I have the green leather recliner... You probably notice a small white area on the bottom left corner of the chair itself. In the position the chair is in it shows at the top left. That is white Gorilla tape to shield it from Dougal and his needle like fangs".


I realize that Cairn Talk is not about decorating, it's about the dogs...but just so you know, cloth Gaffers Tape does come in green!😊 


Edited by sanford


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When Rocky is watching TV I have to keep the remote next to me ready to mute the sound. For some unexplained reason he absolutely hates the Farmers Insurance song, and proceeds to bark at the TV and run around like crazy. Even if I were to softly sing it, it disturbs him. He also hates the sound of the lint collector coming out of the dryer, foil paper being torn off the roll, and ice cubes coming out of the fridge.

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