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I miss Yoda


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Okay, so here my husband and I are in beautiful Key Largo. Its gorgeous, aqua colored water, beautiful weather (much better than the blizzard we had back home in Indiana a couple of weeks ago), but I miss Yoda so bad I cant hardly stand it. I know Yoda is happy at my Mom's house (she spoils him rotten), but everytime I see or hear mention of a dog tears well up in my eyes. I think my husband finally got the extent of my obsession when we passed a road side tattoo parlor on US 1 and I suggested we get Cairn Terrier tattoo's on our backsides. Note to self,-next year Yoda comes along on the vacation! Anyway, greetings to all of you from beautiful Key Largo!

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I understand how you're feeling. That's how I was when we took a cruise almost a couple yrs ago. I was just telling my dh that some cruise line should come up w/ allowing small pets on board. With so many using wee-wee pads for small pets and having a doggie walk, I think it would be a big hit.

You just enjoy your time together and be thankful that you have your mom to watch Yoda. Make sure to bring both of them back a special gift.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I feel your pain or at least I did last summer . We left Abe with my wife's sister I knew he was in good hands and had my 5 year old nephew to keep him busy but I still missed him terribly. So this year we have put a deposit on a pet freindly vacation rental. We took Abe with us this past Labor Day on a trial run for a short out of town trip and he Passed with flying Colors He didn't need to stop for potty breaks any more often than the rest of the family while driving and we had a blast. :lol:

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That's exactly why we got a camper because we can take the furry boys with us! It sometimes drives my hubby nuts but I love the walking and hiking with them. They seem to love camping and we can stay longer because the cost is so much less than a hotel room.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I know exactly how you feel. When we go away Duffy stays at this wonderful kennel which is more like a canine resort than a kennel. I know that he is having a great time romping and playing with the other dogs but I still can't help the feeling that somehow he thinks we abandoned him. I guess that my problem though not his as he seems to have had a wonderful time. There are a few pet friendly hotels in a vacation resort area here in CA and we are considering taking Duffy with us to one of them just to see how he does.


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Well, as mostly everyone here can attest, I worried terribly when we left Scully just for a weekend and she was absolutely fine. With my first Cairn, the times I had to leave her for a week I would get to my car just in time to start crying. :confused: We're booked for a cruise next November so I think we'll put her in a more "resort" type of kennel for that period of time. (Guess I'd better stock up on tissues).

Enjoy your vacation, Yoda sounds like he's in great hands!

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I completely relate to all these posts. We just don't go anywhere without the boys. If I ever want to go south for a vacation ( I live in the great white north of Canada where it is snowing like crazy as I write this) I'll have to go alone so one of us can stay with the boys. I know it is a bit excessive especially since one of my best friends boards dogs in her home and would take excellent care of them. What can I say we are just cairn crazy.

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