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Most famous Cairn terrier dies in Texas


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Padre Island, Texas  Ranger Ridley, a 13 year-old Cairn terrier who for most of his life scurried up and down the 90 mile strand of Padre Island National Seashore in Texas, helping his owner, Dr. Donna Shaver find Kemp's ridley sea turtles nests where the onshore winds had blown away the animals tracks, has passed away.  The dog, who became famous in more than five national magazine articles,  including the Cairn Terrier newsletter, two books, several newspaper articles,  and at least one motion picture, had been fighting cancer for more than a year, and more recently suffered a stroke.  Doctor Shaver, Director of Sea Turtle Science and Recovery at the National Park Services' Padre Island National Seashore says of Ridley "People loved to hear his story.  It brought people into this (project) brought volunteers that we might not have had without him.  It was fun and we enjoyed sharing his story."  Padre Island Seashore is the main nesting beach in the U S for the high endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtle, which was decimated by the B P oil spill and fire five years ago. This turtle often nests when winds are blowing inland from the Gulf of Mexico, and as it is the smallest of the sea turtle species, sometimes the people patrolling the beach will see a turtle returning to the water in the far distance, but upon closer inspection, the wind has blown away all traces of the tracks or crawl. That is where Ranger ridley comes in, with his active nose. Dr. Shaver trained him as a puppy to find the nests and dig down a few inches to confirm the presence of eggs and then watch as the humans excavated the nest and took the eggs away to the hatchery building for protection.  Ranger Ridley had his own Facebook page with thousands of followers and Dr. Shaver posted the following after his death on January 20th:  Good-bye sweet Ridley Ranger.  Kemp's ridley turtles have never had a better doggie friend.  Our heart is broken and we will miss Ridley more than words can say. Andrew Guthrie, Reston, Virginia, retired NBC News correspondent and Ranger Ridley's "uncle."

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A Cairn with a job...nothing makes them happier. What a lovely tribute to an amazing wee boy.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Not surprising a Cairn would perform such a noble task.  I am sorry cancer cut his life short.  Both Olie and Teddy were riddled with cancer when they died; it's a truly painful death.  Just like Ranger Ridley, they lived life to the fullest.  Thank you for your service Ranger Ridley!

Max and Nelly

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Ah yes, Scots wha Hey, both with we humans and dogs from the "tight little island."  I was pleased to get so much attention for this "wee dug" as he patrolled the Padre Island National Seashore for at least a decade.  As the result of my news release, Ranger Ridley was featured in at least five commercial dog magazines, ( including my story in Bark)  plus the AKC "Family Dog,"  two books, ( including Dogs of Courage by Lisa Rogak) numerous newspaper articles, and one motion picture.  His work will be carried on by his kennel mate and companion, Kayleight, another cairn.

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