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Sam the gardener

Sam I Am

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Sam is our 5th terrier, third Cairn and our first digger! Even snow and ice is not preventing this hairy badger from madly digging up my back yard. In the summer it wasn’t so bad because I had the hose on jet stream and all I had to do is pick it up and he would stop. Now of course the hoses are put away and Sam being the smart little s*** knows full well that he can dig like a manic gopher until I run across the yard yelling like some wild woman in her housecoat, and at that moment trots away, to live another day to outdo any swine🐗in turning my yard into fallow . I swear it’s just a big game to out fox me....and it seems he is winning!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Oban was our first real digger.  Just a suggestion: don't bother with putting rocks down in the areas where he digs. We tried that with Oban, and he just nosed the rocks aside.  Then, after I while, he realized it was fun to move the rocks around.  Putting them back into place -- after filling in the holes -- just added to the job...

He grew out of it.  I am really very grateful.

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Angus was a digger till about 18mths old maybe older but like Oban he eventually grew out of it. No matter what I did he dug!

Only thing I could do was to put him on a long line securely tethered in an area of the yard I didn't care too much about. He dug there and I dug in my garden nearby.  Not sure what I would have done if I didn't have a spare patch for him. Maybe make a place like making a sandbox area for the kids when young. Not necessarily sand in there but something diggable and safe. Yes it is messy but kids and young cairns can be messy:)

In my area we don't have fences so Angus always on a line of some sort when out in the yard. Too many wild creatures out there to let him run.

Think digging may be an inherited skill from when they needed to get down the dens after game. Why else the front paws bigger than the rear and often at least one turned out? I think the diggers need to dig and can't help themselves.




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Haha Pepper is a little digger too.  We also keep her on a long line outside and my yard is full of holes!  We have a leftover sandbox that the grandkids now use and she has dug some epic holes there!  Sand was flying 10 feet behind her.  I hope she also grows out of it, my husband likes his yard.🙄

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