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aimee b.

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We brought our new Cairn, Coby, home 5 weeks ago. He joins our 6 yr. old PBGV, after our 5yr old Westie passed away suddenly. We have previously loved a Basset (12 years) and a daschund (16 years). After researching, my husband decided on the Cairn. He is soooo different than any of our other breeds (even the Westie!).

He is a real live wire. We call him the Cairn Terr-orist.. He is sooo adorable, playful and absolutely brilliant... He has done very well with our PBGV, but seems to growl around other dogs. He needs major socialization skills. He also is biting everything and everybody who visits. He does it playfully, and we are very firm with him. I know he is a teething puppy. He has lots of chew toys (bones, ropes, hard balls), but seems to go after anyone new who wants to pet him. :twisted:

We have lots of patience, but wonder when his biting, teething, gnawing may subside (I don't think it will ever totally end?).

After being on the PBGV list, I found it extremely helpful with that breed. I am hoping this is the right place to get Cairn advice.


aimee b.

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Welcome Aimee! My cairn will be 7 in three weeks so her puppiness is a distant memory, however there are lots of great people here who will be able to answer your questions.

Glad you found us!

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Welcome, but I have no clue...what is PBGV?


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Well, I purposely waited to post because I wasn't sure what the initials stood for so I thought I'd wait it out...LOL!

First of all, welcome to our family and best of luck with your new pup! Yep, Cairns = teeth, at least for awhile. I hesitate to call it biting because it always makes me think of something evil, but I too thought the biting would never end. But like all bad habits, it did pass.

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Hi and Welcome..

I had that problem with my puppy, Elliott when I first got him. He was 8 weeks old and chewed on everything, especially my hands/fingers. I would say NO real loud and replace my hand with one of his chew toys. I would not pull my hand away immediately because I think that gave him the message that I wanted to play.

After a couple weeks he seemed to get the message and now, at almost 5 months, he's found alot of other things to do to cause mischief. :whistle:

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Welcome!!! Our first Cairn, Scout, would nip when she was a puppy. We would hold her mouth closed, firmly say "no bite" and then put a "chewy" in front of her. She quit nipping quickly and we haven't had a problem since. Finch, our puppy, never nipped...we sure were lucky!

Oh, I also waited to see what PBGV was too!

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I am a new member as well to the forum and your dog sounds just like my Boris who is 1 1/2 now. I also call him a Cairn Terrorist...wow! Boris is actually a very growly dog...when he is sleeping, getting groomed, nails clipped and anything else that doesn't agree with him at that particular moment. I have to say, I have learned that much of this behavior is just a bluff. Cairns definitely need to know that you are in charge and that they can trust you.

We have just recently added a second Cairn to our lives, Natasha, who was born October 20. Every day, we learn something new from these wonderful dogs! I have grown up around animals my entire life, but my experience with a Cairn Terrier is like no other!

I have enjoyed all the posts so far and have found this to be an informative website. I posted a picture of Boris quite a while ago in the gallery and have spent a great deal of time voting on the others pics! I look forward to learning and reading more.

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